title: Race Against Death : The Struggle for the Life and Freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal creator: Schiffmann, Michael subject: ddc-420 subject: 420 English description: This work is about the struggle for the life and freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Abu-Jamal is an African American journalist sentenced to death for the murder of a white police officer. The dissertation's thesis is that Abu-Jamal never got a fair trial and is very likely innocent. In addition to the issues racism, class exploitation, and political oppression, these were the two main reasons why this case was able to ignite a mass movement to free Abu-Jamal and to end the death penalty. date: 2004 type: Dissertation type: info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf identifier: https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserverhttps://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/5632/1/RaceAgainstDeath.pdf identifier: DOI:10.11588/heidok.00005632 identifier: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-opus-56327 identifier: Schiffmann, Michael (2004) Race Against Death : The Struggle for the Life and Freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal. [Dissertation] relation: https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/5632/ rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess rights: http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/help/license_urhg.html language: eng