title: Good Governance and Conflict Transformation in Sri Lanka : A Political Analysis of People's Perceptions of Institutions at the Local Level and the Challenges of Decentralised Governance creator: Bigdon, Christine subject: ddc-320 subject: 320 Political science description: This empirical study on good governance and conflict transformation in Sri Lanka is located within the larger scholarly discourse on good governance as a solution to conflict in developing societies. Sri Lanka is one of the oldest post-colonial democratic systems among the states of the South and has experienced various elections and changes of government between 1947 and 2001. This speaks to a certain extent for consolidation of democracy. However, Sri Lanka suffers under one of the most protracted civil wars in the world, which raises critical questions about the functioning of the democratic institutions and the governance system. The starting point of the thesis is the lack of empirical data, which is necessary to provide more rigorous knowledge on governance in different countries. Most available data sources use fact-based data only, without consideration of perception-based data of local stakeholders. The assumption of this thesis is that the international discourse on good governance requires context-specific testing and the redefinition of international good governance indicators, based on perceptions of local stakeholders. In this study a context-specific good governance model for Sri Lanka is developed, based on the prescriptive definition of citizens and stakeholders of what good governance should be and their assessment of what local governance actually is. Chapter two poses the main research question, which is, “what are the key actors, issues and challenges at the local level that a context-specific good governance model needs to take into account in order to promote sustainable development and peaceful co-existence?” This research question is elaborated on the basis of empirical case studies conducted at the local level in three regions of Sri Lanka. Chapter three specifies the political and historical context of Sri Lanka and explains how the processes of devolution of power and political mobilisation on ethnic lines have intersected, stymieing the transition to rule of law and effective implementation of citizenship. The empirical core of the thesis, chapter four, introduces the three regions of empirical research, selected on the basis of a different ethnic composition and different conflict settings. As the unit of research, selected rural local authority areas of the three regions Central Province, Uva-Province and Eastern Province are considered. The findings are based on a combination of various quantitative and qualitative interview techniques, like interviews with the elite, stakeholder interviews, household surveys and focus group discussions, which provide a rich insight into the perceptions of local stakeholders. The eight indicators of good governance, namely efficiency, responsiveness and equality, professional leadership, transparency and accountability, people’s participation, rule of law and human rights protection, trust and basic security and conflict transformation capacities derive from the discourse of the local stakeholders. These good governance indicators are used to describe and assess the perceptions of local stakeholders with regard to the state of governance in the three regions. Chapter five summarises the empirical findings by pointing out the key actors, key issues and challenges of local governance in Sri Lanka. Regarding the key actors of local governance, the study revealed that it is particularly the political and administrative institutions at the local level as well as within the Central Government which are considered as the key actors for the establishment and guarantee of good governance. The lack of co-operative interaction among these actor groups is a key to most challenges identified at the local governance level. With regard to the key issues, the findings from the three very different research regions revealed many similarities: the status of the eight good governance indicators was critical in that none of the indicators was perceived as being implemented to the satisfaction of the people. Other critical issues are the marginalisation of the local government, lack of people’s participation, patronage structures, inadequate representation of minority groups and lack of qualified local political leaders. The study revealed that many shortcomings of the local governance system are contributing to an aggravation of social conflict. The strengthening of local governance can be regarded as an important entry point to improve the social integration of different identity groups. In the final chapter, the value-added of the study and the lessons learnt and potential for governance reforms at local and national level with regard to the resolution of the ethno-political conflict in Sri Lanka are discussed. Overall the case-study approach has allowed a detailed insight into the interactions in complex processes and structures and a comparison of the three cases has generated policy recommendations, which can support the reform process in Sri Lanka. date: 2006 type: Dissertation type: info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf identifier: https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserverhttps://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/7079/1/Dissertation_Good_Governance_Bigdon.pdf identifier: DOI:10.11588/heidok.00007079 identifier: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-opus-70790 identifier: Bigdon, Christine (2006) Good Governance and Conflict Transformation in Sri Lanka : A Political Analysis of People's Perceptions of Institutions at the Local Level and the Challenges of Decentralised Governance. [Dissertation] relation: https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/7079/ rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess rights: http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/help/license_urhg.html language: eng