%0 Generic %A Chatterjee, Shyamal %D 2007 %F heidok:7102 %K Atomic physics , Dispersive x-ray spectroscopy , crystal spectrometer , Quantum electrodynamics %R 10.11588/heidok.00007102 %T Measurement of the Wavelength of the Lyman-alpha1 Transition of 208Pb81+ Using FOCAL Spectrometers %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/7102/ %X Measurement of theWavelength of the Lyman-alpha1 Transition of 208Pb81+ Using FOCAL Spectrometers - The goal of the experimental study is the determination of the 1s Lamb shift of a one-electron, very heavy ion with high precision by an accurate spectroscopy of the corresponding Lyman-alpha transitions. Unlike low-Z systems the quantum electrodynamical (QED) calculations using perturbation theory based on the expansion parameter Z*(alpha) are no longer applicable for high Z systems and therefore all orders of Z*(alpha) are included in the calculations. The present accuracy of the calculations is of the order of 1 eV. Thus the measurements of the Lyman-alpha transitions aim to achieve an uncertainty, which is sensitive to 1 eV or below. Such accurate measurements require high resolution in the techniques of x-ray spectroscopy. For this purpose a couple of ”FOcusing Compensated Asymmetry Laue (FOCAL)” spectrometers has been developed at GSI and they have been employed in the first production run in March 2006. The FOCAL spectrometers are optimally adapted to the experimental conditions at the Experimental Storage Ring (ESR) at GSI, including intrinsic Doppler corrections, a trade off between resolution and efficiency as well as incorporating latest detection technology with two large-area position-sensitive microstrip germanium detectors. This PhD thesis includes the physics of the FOCAL spectrometer and the results obtained after a preliminary analysis of the experimental data.