%0 Journal Article %A Schredl, Michael %A Funkhouser, Arthur %A Arn, Nicole %D 2009 %F heidok:9391 %J International Journal of Dream Research %K continuity hypothesis; hairdressers; work-related dreams; stress; dream emotions %N 1 %P 33-36 %T Work-related dreams as related to job and life satisfaction in hairdressers %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/9391/ %V 2 %X Empirical studies largely support the continuity hypothesis of dreaming. The present study investigated the frequency and the emotional tone of dreams of hairdressers. A relationship was found between daytime mood (job satisfaction) and dream emotions. Life satisfaction that was low, on the other hand, was related to a heightened frequency of work-related dreams. It would be promising to study persons with different professions (stressful and demanding jobs) in order to study the effect of work-related variables and dreaming.