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Jacopo Pontormo, Bildnis einer Dame im roten Kleid, um 1522/25, Frankfurt/Main, Städel

Propylaeum-DOK - Digital Repository Classical Studies is the full-text server of the Specialized Information Service Classics and is made available by the University Library of Heidelberg. It offers members of the academic community worldwide the opportunity to publish their texts in electronic format on the internet at no charge. All kinds of publications (like monographs, articles, lectures) in the fields of Classical Studies can be stored on "Propylaeum-DOK". The standard of these publications should not fall below that of traditional printed ones. The documents will be stored and their long-term availability guaranteed by using standardized addresses (URN) and metadata (OAIPMH). They are accessible through the German union catalogues and search engines, too.

As for now, Propylaeum-Dok provides free full-text access to 6,278 publications.

Most recent entries

1. Jettmar, Karl (1981) Bronzes from Northwest Afghanistan. In: Härtel, Herbert (Hrsg.): South Asian archaeology 1979. From the fifth international conference of the association of South Asian archaeologists in western Europe, held in the Museum für Indische Kunst der Staatlichen Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz Berlin. Berlin 1981, pp. 295-303
[thumbnail of Jettmar_Bronzes_from_Northwest_Afghanistan_1981.pdf]
2. Jettmar, Karl (1985) Non-Buddhist traditions in the petroglyps of the Indus Valley. In: Schotsmans, Janine ; Taddei, Maurizio (Hrsgg.): South Asian archaeology 1983. Papers from the conference of the association of South Asian archaeologists in western Europe, held in the Musées Royaux d'Arts et d'Histoire, Brussels. Naples 1985, pp. 751-777 (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici: Series minor ; 23,2)
[thumbnail of Jettmar_Non_Buddhist_traditions_1985.pdf]
3. Jettmar, Karl (1987) The 'suspended crossing': where and why? In: Pollet, Gilbert (Hrsg.): India and the ancient world. History, trade and culture before A.D. 650. Professor P. H. L. Eggermont jubilee volume presented on the occasion of his 70. birthday. Leuven 1987, pp. 95-102 (Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta ; 25)
[thumbnail of Jettmar_The_suspended_crossing_1987.pdf]
4. Jettmar, Karl (1984) Tierstil am Indus. In: Brentjes, Burchard ; Peuke, Hans-Joachim (Hrsgg.): Kulturhistorische Probleme Südasiens und Zentralasiens. Halle (Saale) 1984, pp. 73-93 (Wissenschaftliche Beiträge / Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg ; 1984.25)
[thumbnail of Jettmar_Tierstil_am_Indus_1984.pdf]
5. Jettmar, Karl (1993) Voraussetzungen, Verlauf und Erfolg menschlicher Anpassung im nordwestlichen Himalaya und Karakorum. In: Schweinfurth, Ulrich (Hrsg.): Neue Forschungen im Himalaya. Stuttgart 1993, pp. 31-47 (Erdkundliches Wissen ; 112)
[thumbnail of Jettmar_Voraussetzung_Verlauf_und_Erfolg_1993.pdf]
6. Jettmar, Karl (1981) Cultures and ethnic groups west of China in the second and first millennia B.C. In: Asian Perspectives, 24 (1981), Nr. 2. pp. 145-162
[thumbnail of Jettmar_Cultures_and_ethnic_groups_1981.pdf]
7. Jettmar, Karl (1983) 'Frühe Nomaden' und 'nördliche Nomaden'. In: Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 113 (1983), pp. 33-43
[thumbnail of Jettmar_Fruehe_Nomaden_1983.pdf]