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Dreaming and waking: Phenomenological and biological differences

Schredl, Michael

In: International Journal of Dream Research, 3 (2010), Nr. 1. pp. 46-48

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Varying research perspectives of the conceptual distinction between physiology and subjective experience, and the outside vs. inside perspective on dreaming will be discussed. Whereas the AIM model is helpful in describing the neurobiological differences between states of consciousness, research is needed to test whether specific features of the subjective experience like bizarreness or awareness of the current state of consciousness is related to distinct brain activation patterns. On a phenomenological level, lucid dreaming has more parallels to dreaming and meditation than to the normal waking state. Regarding the conceptualization of dreaming, it seems necessary to conduct sophisticated content analytic studies of normal and lucid dreams to determine what kind of higher-ordered consciousness processes occur regularly within dreams.

Document type: Article
Journal or Publication Title: International Journal of Dream Research
Volume: 3
Number: 1
Date Deposited: 21 Jul 2010 10:55
Date: 2010
Page Range: pp. 46-48
Faculties / Institutes: The Faculty of Behavioural and Cultural Studies > Institut für Sport und Sportwissenschaft
DDC-classification: 300 Social sciences
Uncontrolled Keywords: Lucid dreaming; Dreaming; Sleep physiology
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