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Latest 20 Additions on heiDOK

1. Goldschmidt, Sarah Siri (2024) Exercise interventions for breast cancer survivors - Investigations of attendance and of short- and long-term effects on the exercise and physical activity behavior. [Dissertation]
[thumbnail of Dissertation_Siri Goldschmidt_final_05_01_2024.pdf]
2. Seifert Davila, Wolfram Heinrich (2024) Structural and functional studies of human and yeast transcription factor IIIC (TFIIIC). [Dissertation]
[thumbnail of Thesis_Structural_studies_of_hTFIIIC_and_yTFIIIC_3_cm_formatting.pdf]
3. Tüchler, Nadine (2024) Dynamic multi-omics and mechanistic modeling of kidney fibrosis progression. [Dissertation]
[thumbnail of Dissertation]
4. Braun, Lorenz (2023) Automated Partitioning of CUDA Kernels for Multi-GPU Systems. [Dissertation]
[thumbnail of Dissertation-Lorenz-Braun.pdf]
5. Lettera, Davide (2024) Non-perturbative aspects of Quantum Field Theory. [Dissertation]
[thumbnail of Thesis Davide Lettera.pdf]
6. Criado Moronati, Elvira Magdalena (2024) Characterization of tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells towards clinical application. [Dissertation]
[thumbnail of PhD_Thesis_ElviraC_final.pdf]
7. Kist, Johannes (2024) Die Rolle des Richters im Zivilprozess. Eine rechtsvergleichende Betrachtung ausgehend vom Zustand der Justiz. [Abstract of a Law thesis]
[thumbnail of Kist.pdf]
8. Ölschläger, Julie (2024) Ythdf2-mediated post-transcriptional control of gene expression regulates cardiac remodeling. [Abstract of a medical dissertation]
[thumbnail of Ölschläger_Julie.pdf]
9. Engelmann, Luca Sophie (2023) Establishment of the 3D-organotypic co-culture : a preclinical model for head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. [Abstract of a medical dissertation]
[thumbnail of Engelmann_Luca Sophie.pdf]
10. Antaredja, Muliadi (2024) Rekanalisation der unteren Extremitäten Arterien in retrograder Punktionstechnik der A. fibularis oder des Traktus tibiofibularis : retrospektive explorative Analyse mit 12 Monats „Follow Up“. [Abstract of a medical dissertation]
[thumbnail of Antaredja_Muliadi.pdf]
11. Daniello, Lea (2023) The clinical significance of immune-related adverse events in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. [Abstract of a medical dissertation]
[thumbnail of Daniello_Lea.pdf]
12. Männle, David Julian (2024) Identifikation neuer Mechanismen der Tumorprogression im Pankreaskarzinom durch Clusteranalysen von Hochdurchsatz-Expressionsdaten im Kontext klinischer Prognosefaktoren. [Abstract of a medical dissertation]
[thumbnail of Männle_David_Julian.pdf]
13. Fischer, Tom Tobias (2023) Neuronal calcium sensor 1-dependent signaling in Wolfram syndrome and cognitive impairment. [Abstract of a medical dissertation]
[thumbnail of Fischer_Tom Tobias.pdf]
14. Keiber, Lukas (2023) Developing genetically attenuated parasites as an experimental vaccine. [Abstract of a medical dissertation]
[thumbnail of Keiber_Lukas.pdf]
15. Hohenstatt, Sophia (2024) Akute intraprozedurale Thrombose nach Flow-Diverter-Stent-Implantation : Risikofaktoren und Bedeutung der Standardbeobachtungszeit für die frühzeitige Erkennung und Behandlung. [Abstract of a medical dissertation]
[thumbnail of Hohenstatt_Sophia.pdf]
16. Ruf, Pia Maria (2024) Variabilität und ovarielle Dysfunktion im Spontanzyklus : Analyse einer prospektiven Langzeit-Kohortenstudie. [Abstract of a medical dissertation]
[thumbnail of Ruf_Pia Maria.pdf]
17. Goldschmidt, Sarah Siri (2024) Exercise interventions for breast cancer survivors : Investigations of attendance and of short- and long-term effects on the exercise and physical activity behavior. [Abstract of a medical dissertation]
[thumbnail of Goldschmidt_Sarah Siri.pdf]
18. Feldmann, Robert (2024) Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung im Licht des Europäischen Primärrechts. [Abstract of a Law thesis]
[thumbnail of Feldmann.pdf]
19. Essig, Janina (2024) Grüne Nudges. Ein Beitrag zur Instrumentendebatte im Umweltrecht. [Abstract of a Law thesis]
[thumbnail of Essig_Janina.pdf]
20. Seltzer, Philipp (2024) Rechtsverordnungen des Bundes in der abstrakten Normenkontrolle: Ein Divergenzproblem anlässlich der Verfahrensvorschrift § 76 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 BVerfGG. [Abstract of a Law thesis]
[thumbnail of Seltzer_Philipp.pdf]
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