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Living in Bab Tuma: Two Texts in Damascene Arabic

Klimiuk, Maciej

In: Klimiuk, Maciej (Hrsg.): Semitic Dialects and Dialectology: Fieldwork—Community—Change. Heidelberg, Heidelberg University Publishing 2022, pp. 303-313 . ISBN 978-3-96822-096-3

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Damascene Arabic belongs to the group of Syro-Palestinian dialects. The following presents two texts in this dialect that were recorded in 2008 in Damascus, and found a few years later among other recordings from Syria from that period. The author of the stories is Maysāʔ Šanāʕa, a Maronite Christian living in the district Bab Tuma in the Syrian capital. The texts presented here are unrelated to each other. The first of them tells of Palm Sunday, as well as Easter holidays in Damascus, while the second is a fairly loose story about spending time with her sick friend.

Document type: Book Section
Editor: Klimiuk, Maciej
Title of Book: Semitic Dialects and Dialectology: Fieldwork—Community—Change
Publisher: Heidelberg University Publishing
Place of Publication: Heidelberg
Date Deposited: 06 Jul 2022 11:12
Date: 2022
ISBN: 978-3-96822-096-3
Page Range: pp. 303-313
Faculties / Institutes: Philosophische Fakultät > Seminar für Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients
DDC-classification: 400 Linguistics
490 Other languages
Uncontrolled Keywords: Arabic dialectology, Christians, Damascene Arabic, Damascus, field research, Syria, Syrian Arabic
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