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Meta-communicative expressions and situational variation of stance marking: I say and I tell (you) in Early Modern English dialogues

Landert, Daniela

In: Nordic Journal of English Studies, 16 (2017), Nr. 1. pp. 120-144. ISSN 1502-7694 (Druck-Ausg.); 1654-6970 (Online-Ausg.)

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In this study, I compare the functions of I say and I tell (you) in the different text types in A Corpus of English Dialogues 1560–1760 (CED). The text types differ with respect to a number of parameters, such as the authenticity of the dialogue, the stability of the participant roles, the formality of the setting, and the dominant verbal activities. I show that the two expressions are used with a range of different functions, most of which express the speaker’s stance, and I argue that the differences in function are related to differences in the communicative setting and the roles of the participants.

Document type: Article
Journal or Publication Title: Nordic Journal of English Studies
Volume: 16
Number: 1
Publisher: Univ.
Place of Publication: Göteborg
Edition: Zweitveröffentlichung
Date Deposited: 23 Mar 2023 10:34
Date: 2017
ISSN: 1502-7694 (Druck-Ausg.); 1654-6970 (Online-Ausg.)
Page Range: pp. 120-144
Faculties / Institutes: Neuphilologische Fakultät > Anglistisches Seminar
DDC-classification: 400 Linguistics
420 English
Uncontrolled Keywords: Early Modern English, metacommunication, stance / evidentiality
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