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Khagola vijñāna kī utkr̥ṣta avadhāraṇāyeṃ : Khagola vijñāna sākṣaratā kī eka prastāvita paribhāṣā

Retrê, João ; Russo, Pedro ; Lee, Hyunju ; Penteado, Eduardo ; Salimpour, Saeed ; Fitzgerald, Michael ; Ramchandani, Jaya ; Pössel, Markus ; Scorza, Cecilia ; Lindberg Christensen, Lars ; Arends, Erik ; Pompea, Stephen ; Schrier, Wouter

German Title: Schlüsselideen der Astronomie. Vorschlag zu einer Definition der astronomischen Allgemeinbildung

English Title: Big Ideas in Astronomy

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Download (59MB) | Lizenz: Creative Commons LizenzvertragKhagola vijñāna kī utkr̥ṣta avadhāraṇāyeṃ : Khagola vijñāna sākṣaratā kī eka prastāvita paribhāṣā by Retrê, João ; Russo, Pedro ; Lee, Hyunju ; Penteado, Eduardo ; Salimpour, Saeed ; Fitzgerald, Michael ; Ramchandani, Jaya ; Pössel, Markus ; Scorza, Cecilia ; Lindberg Christensen, Lars ; Arends, Erik ; Pompea, Stephen ; Schrier, Wouter underlies the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

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Translation of abstract (English)

This is the motto of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Office for Astronomy Outreach. If “All” is a very vast term to define society and its communities, “Astronomy” as a body of knowledge is also similarly vast. This project, “Big Ideas in Astronomy”, explores the issue: “What should citizens of planet Earth know about astronomy?”. As a result of several discussions, meetings, workshops, presentations, telecons and text interactions in this document we propose a set of Big Ideas in Astronomy, a Proposed Definition of Astronomy Literacy. This document establishes the “Big Ideas” and supporting concepts that all citizens of our planet should know about astronomy.

Document type: Book
Margraf-Druc, Aneta
Müllerthann, Carmen
Chavan, Kshitij
Kumar Pandey, Sanjay
Publisher: IAU Office of Astronomy for Education
Place of Publication: Heidelberg
Edition: 2nd
Date Deposited: 22 Mar 2024 13:03
Date: 2024
ISBN: 978-94-91760-21-1
Number of Pages: 70
Faculties / Institutes: Service facilities > Max-Planck-Institute allgemein > MPI for Astronomy
DDC-classification: 370 Education
520 Astronomy and allied sciences
Additional Information: Hindi Übersetzung von "Big Ideas in Astronomy"
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