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Tracing José Rizal : Auf den Spuren José Rizals. Ein Dossier

Harth, Dietrich

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The texts collected in this bilingual dossier were written on different occasions and represent only some of the results of the search for clues announced in the book's title. The collection begins with the English translation of the first chapter of my biography, José Rizal's Struggle for Life and Death, which was published in 2021. This is followed by a short philosophically draped piece that I designed as a template for a conversation with the Italian philosopher Sergio Givone about outsiders and the paradox of freedom. Then there is a brief discussion of the critique of racism advocated by Blumentritt and Rizal, based on a previously unknown letter, and a micro-biography published on the Internet in 2022. Of particular importance for me is the information about an academic Symposium held in Vienna in December 2023, to which Blumentritt's biographer Johann Stockinger had invited. The last texts in the Dossier refer to the long overdue recognition of Rizal as an author of the Spanish language by the Instituto Cervantes in Madrid, which took place in spring 2023.

Document type: Book
Publisher: Selbstverlag
Place of Publication: Heidelberg
Date Deposited: 28 May 2024 10:16
Date: 2024
Number of Pages: 62
Faculties / Institutes: Neuphilologische Fakultät > Germanistisches Seminar
DDC-classification: 800 Literature and rhetoric
860 Spanish and Portuguese literatures
Controlled Keywords: Kolonialismus, Rassismus, Biografie
Uncontrolled Keywords: José Rizal
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