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Serum dihydroxyacetone kinase peptide m/z 520.3 as predictor of disease severity in patients with compensated chronic hepatitis B

Xu, Ming-Yi ; Jia, Xiao-Fang ; Qu, Ying ; Zheng, Rui-Dan ; Yuan, Zheng-Hong ; Weng, Hong-Lei ; Dooley, Steven ; Wang, Xing-Peng ; Zhang, Li-Jun ; Lu, Lun-Gen

In: Journal of Translational Medicine, 11 (2013), Nr. 234. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1479-5876

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Download (1MB) | Lizenz: Creative Commons LizenzvertragSerum dihydroxyacetone kinase peptide m/z 520.3 as predictor of disease severity in patients with compensated chronic hepatitis B by Xu, Ming-Yi ; Jia, Xiao-Fang ; Qu, Ying ; Zheng, Rui-Dan ; Yuan, Zheng-Hong ; Weng, Hong-Lei ; Dooley, Steven ; Wang, Xing-Peng ; Zhang, Li-Jun ; Lu, Lun-Gen underlies the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Germany

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Background & aim: Due to known limitations of liver biopsy, reliable non-invasive serum biomarkers for chronic liver diseases are needed. We performed serum peptidomics for such investigation in compensated chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients. Methods: Liquid chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was used to identify differentially expressed peptides in sera from 40 CHB patients (20 with S0G0-S1G1 and 20 with S3G3-S4G4). Ion pair quantification from differentially expressed peptides in a validation set of sera from 86 CHB patients was done with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). Results: 21 differentially represented peptide peaks were found through LC-MS/MS. Ion pairs generated from eleven of these peptides (m/z < 800) were quantified by MRM. Summed peak area ratios of 6 ion pairs from peptide m/z 520.3 (176.1, 353.7, 459.8, 503.3, 351.3, 593.1), which was identified as dihydroxyacetone kinase (DAK) fragment, decreased from mild to advanced stages of fibrosis or inflammation. Area Under Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves (AUROCs) of five ion models discriminating fibrosis degrees were 0.871 ~ 0.915 (S2-4 versus S0-1) and 0.804 ~ 0.924 (S3-4 versus S0-2). AUROCs discriminating inflammation grades were 0.840 ~ 0.902 (G2-4 versus G0-1) and 0.787 ~ 0.888 (G3-4 versus G0-2). The diagnostic power of these models provides improved sensitivity and specificity for predicting disease progression as compared to aspartate aminotransferase to platelet ratio index (APRI), FIB-4, Forn’s index and serum DAK protein. Conclusions: The peptide fragment (m/z 520.3) of DAK is a promising biomarker to guide timing of antiviral treatment and to avoid liver biopsy in compensated CHB patients.

Document type: Article
Journal or Publication Title: Journal of Translational Medicine
Volume: 11
Number: 234
Publisher: BioMed Central
Place of Publication: London
Date Deposited: 25 May 2016 12:38
Date: 2013
ISSN: 1479-5876
Page Range: pp. 1-14
Faculties / Institutes: Medizinische Fakultät Mannheim > Medizinische Klinik - Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin II
DDC-classification: 610 Medical sciences Medicine
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