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Contribution of Medical Informatics to Battling Covid-19

Knaup-Gregori, Petra ; Reichenbach, Alexandra, eds.

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In the winter term 2020, we invited the students of our Medical Informatics Master program to prepare manuscripts for a special issue on the state of the art and the variety of medical informatics research and achievements to manage the current Covid-19 pandemic. The work was conducted as part of a mandatory curricular course, starting with a creativity workshop on the challenges of handling the pandemic and the potential of Medical Informatics within this context. Afterwards, the students identified research questions from these topics, on which they followed up in the winter term 2020. They conducted systematic literature reviews or metaanalyses, and the manuscripts underwent a peer review process from their fellow students. The resulting articles are published in this special issue.

Document type: Book
Editor: Knaup-Gregori, Petra ; Reichenbach, Alexandra
Publisher: Institut für Medizinische Informatik
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2021 15:45
Date: October 2021
Number of Pages: 80
Faculties / Institutes: Medizinische Fakultät Heidelberg > Institut für Medizinische Biometrie
DDC-classification: 004 Data processing Computer science
600 Technology (Applied sciences)
Controlled Keywords: Medizinische Informatik
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