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Items where Division is "Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing" and Year is 2009

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Number of items: 20.

Besser, Achim (2009) Modeling the Coupling of Mechanics and Biochemistry in Cell Adhesion. [Dissertation]

Chuai-Aree, Somporn (2009) Modeling, Simulation and Visualization of Plant Growth. [Dissertation]

Engwer, Christian (2009) An Unfitted Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme for Micro-scale Simulations and Numerical Upscaling. [Dissertation]

Gewies, Stefan (2009) Modellgestützte Interpretation der elektrochemischen Charakteristik von Festoxid-Brennstoffzellen mit Ni/YSZ-Cermetanoden. [Dissertation]

Grützmann, Andreas (2009) Reconstruction of moving surfaces of revolution from sparse 3-D measurements using a stereo camera and structured light. [Dissertation]

Lauer, Hermann (2009) Drei Billionen Rechnungen pro Sekunde : Hermann Lauer (IWR) im Interview über den Heidelberger Hochleistungsrechner HELICS. [Audio]

Lebiedz, Dirk ; Reinhardt, Volkmar ; Siehr, Jochen (2009) Minimal Curvature Trajectories: Riemannian Geometry Concepts for Model Reduction in Chemical Kinetics. [Preprint]

Lorenz, Thomas (2009) Mutational Analysis. [Habilitation]

Neusius, Thomas (2009) Thermal Fluctuations of Biomolecules : An Approach to Understand Subdiffusion in the Internal Dynamics of Peptides and Proteins. [Dissertation]

Nguonphan, Pheakdey (2009) Computer Modeling, Analysis and Visualization of Angkor Wat Style Temples in Cambodia. [Dissertation]

Nicola, Auralian ; Petra, Stefania ; Popa, Constantin ; Schnörr, Christoph (2009) On a general extending and constraining procedure for linear iterative methods. [Preprint]

Noori, Hamid Reza (2009) Averaging Transformations of Synaptic Potentials on Networks. [Preprint]

Petra, Stefania ; Popa, Constantin ; Schnörr, Christoph (2009) Accelerating Constrained SIRTwith Applications in Tomographic Particle Image Reconstruction. [Preprint]

Petra, Stefania ; Schnörr, Christoph (2009) TomoPIV meets Compressed Sensing. [Preprint]

Pulloor Kuttanikkad, Sreejith (2009) Pore-scale Direct Numerical Simulation of Flow and Transport in Porous Media. [Dissertation]

Rübel, Jan (2009) Vibrations in Nonlinear Rotordynamics - Modelling, Simulation, and Analysis. [Dissertation]

Schluttig, Jakob (2009) Stochastic dynamics of protein assembly. [Dissertation]

Su, Qingyun (2009) Detailed Modeling and Simulation of Automotive Exhaust NOx Reduction over Rhodium under Transient Lean-Rich Conditions. [Dissertation]

Vladimirov, Nikita (2009) Multiscale Modeling of Bacterial Chemotaxis. [Dissertation]

Vogler, Marcel (2009) Elementary kinetic modelling applied to solid oxide fuel cell pattern anodes and a direct flame fuel cell system. [Dissertation]

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