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heiDOK – The Heidelberg Document Repository – News RSS

heiDOK is the Open Access platform at Heidelberg University. It provides members of the university with the opportunity to publish their research output for free, according to the Open Access guidelines. Currently it contains 29,620 publications with free access to the electronic full text.

The Open Journal System Heidelberg, also hosted by Heidelberg University Library, is an international platform for the publication of E-Journals. The data archive heiDATA offers you the possibility to cite your research data and to link it with your publication on heiDOK. Heidelberg University Library is happy to support you by publishing your research output in Open Access.

Faculties / Institutes

Recently published

1. Togawa, Moto (2025) Spectroscopy on trapped highly charged ions with soft X-ray synchrotron and FEL radiation. [Dissertation]
[thumbnail of PhD_Thesis_Moto_Togawa (1).pdf]
2. Dangel, Alexander Janosch (2025) English Title: Essays on the Economics of Pollution Sensors and Adaptation. [Dissertation]
[thumbnail of Dissertation_Final.pdf]
3. Osei, Tracy Bonsu (2025) Dietary behaviour and type 2 diabetes mellitus among sub-Saharan African populations under transition. [Dissertation]
[thumbnail of PhD Thesis]
4. Roth, Catharina (2025) Experiences of Domestically Qualified Nurses and Internationally Qualified Nurses of Workplace Integration into the German Nursing Workforce in the Context of Nursing Workforce Shortage. [Dissertation]
[thumbnail of Roth_Catharina_04_01_1991_Dissertation.pdf]
Last update of this page: 26.02.2024 15:01:50
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