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Counterfactual Truths: The Logical Structure of Argumentative Thought Experiments

Álvarez-Vázquez, Javier Y.

In: International Journal of Novel Research in Humanity and Social Sciences, 2 (April 2015), Nr. 2. S. 1-3. ISSN 2394-9694

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Argumentative thought experiments are structurally conditional clauses. They can hence be formalized by means of the principle of modus ponendo ponens, as well as of modus tollendo tollens. In contrast to the practice in formal logic, exponents of argumentative thought experiments claim that the logical validity of a conclusion drawn within the framework of a particular conditional argument also holds beyond the particular conditional in question. In this paper, I articulate the criticism that this claim is wrong by arguing that the counterfactual scenario sets itself the most determinant premise. If the counterfactual scenario sets the initial conditional premise of the argument, then its true conclusion holds only as a counterfactual truth. The present paper illustrates this criticism using Frank Jackson’s thought experiment, the so-called knowledge argument, as a concrete example.

Dokumententyp: Artikel
Titel der Zeitschrift: International Journal of Novel Research in Humanity and Social Sciences
Band: 2
Nummer: 2
Verlag: Novelty Journals
Ort der Veröffentlichung: Lucknow,U.P., India
Erstellungsdatum: 20 Apr. 2015 07:49
Erscheinungsjahr: April 2015
ISSN: 2394-9694
Seitenbereich: S. 1-3
Institute/Einrichtungen: Philosophische Fakultät > Philosophisches Seminar
DDC-Sachgruppe: 000 Allgemeines, Wissenschaft, Informatik
100 Philosophie und Psychologie
150 Psychologie
400 Sprachwissenschaft
500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik
Normierte Schlagwörter: thought experiments, counterfactual scenario, truth, knowledge argument, Frank Jackson, modus ponendo ponens, modus tollendo tollens, validity, valuation
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