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An Arabidopsis introgression zone studied at high spatio-temporal resolution: interglacial and multiple genetic contact exemplified using whole nuclear and plastid genomes

Hohmann, Nora ; Koch, Marcus A.

In: BMC Genomics, 18 (2017), Nr. 810. S. 1-18. ISSN 1471-2164

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PDF, Englisch
Download (3MB) | Lizenz: Creative Commons LizenzvertragAn Arabidopsis introgression zone studied at high spatio-temporal resolution: interglacial and multiple genetic contact exemplified using whole nuclear and plastid genomes von Hohmann, Nora ; Koch, Marcus A. steht unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung 3.0 Deutschland

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Background: Gene flow between species, across ploidal levels, and even between evolutionary lineages is a common phenomenon in the genus Arabidopsis. However, apart from two genetically fully stabilized allotetraploid species that have been investigated in detail, the extent and temporal dynamics of hybridization are not well understood. An introgression zone, with tetraploid A. arenosa introgressing into A. lyrata subsp. petraea in the Eastern Austrian Forealps and subsequent expansion towards pannonical lowlands, was described previously based on morphological observations as well as molecular data using microsatellite and plastid DNA markers. Here we investigate the spatio-temporal context of this suture zone, making use of the potential of next-generation sequencing and whole-genome data. By utilizing a combination of nuclear and plastid genomic data, the extent, direction and temporal dynamics of gene flow are elucidated in detail and Late Pleistocene evolutionary processes are resolved.

Results: Analysis of nuclear genomic data significantly recognizes the clinal structure of the introgression zone, but also reveals that hybridization and introgression is more common and substantial than previously thought. Also tetraploid A. lyrata and A. arenosa subsp. borbasii from outside the previously defined suture zone show genomic signals of past introgression. A. lyrata is shown to serve usually as the maternal parent in these hybridizations, but one exception is identified from plastome-based phylogenetic reconstruction. Using plastid phylogenomics with secondary time calibration, the origin of A. lyrata and A. arenosa lineages is pre-dating the last three glaciation complexes (approx. 550,000 years ago). Hybridization and introgression followed during the last two glacial-interglacial periods (since approx. 300,000 years ago) with later secondary contact at the northern and southern border of the introgression zone during the Holocene.

Conclusions: Footprints of adaptive introgression in the Northeastern Forealps are older than expected and predate the Last Glaciation Maximum. This correlates well with high genetic diversity found within areas that served as refuge area multiple times. Our data also provide some first hints that early introgressed and presumably preadapted populations account for successful and rapid postglacial re-colonization and range expansion.

Dokumententyp: Artikel
Titel der Zeitschrift: BMC Genomics
Band: 18
Nummer: 810
Verlag: BioMed Central; Springer
Ort der Veröffentlichung: London; Berlin, Heidelberg
Erstellungsdatum: 03 Nov. 2017 09:56
Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
ISSN: 1471-2164
Seitenbereich: S. 1-18
Institute/Einrichtungen: Zentrale und Sonstige Einrichtungen > Centre for Organismal Studies Heidelberg (COS)
DDC-Sachgruppe: 570 Biowissenschaften, Biologie
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