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V-FOR-WaTer – the virtual research environment to discover and analyse environmental data

Meyer, Jörg ; Azmi, Elnaz ; Hassler, Sibylle ; Mälicke, Mirko ; Strobl, Marcus ; Zehe, Erwin ; Achim, Streit

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Download (722kB) | Lizenz: Creative Commons LizenzvertragV-FOR-WaTer – the virtual research environment to discover and analyse environmental data by Meyer, Jörg ; Azmi, Elnaz ; Hassler, Sibylle ; Mälicke, Mirko ; Strobl, Marcus ; Zehe, Erwin ; Achim, Streit underlies the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

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The extent and diversity of environmental data continuously increase due to more and new sensors with higher spatial and temporal resolution and due to the growth and automation of observational networks. The observed data form the basis for a better understanding of ecological systems either by data driven methods or by comparisons of the data with model predictions. However, a considerable amount of these data are difficult to access or even still stored on local data storage devices making it difficult or even impossible to find, access and re-use the data. In addition the data lack a proper metadata description required for an interoperable analysis, hence they are barely useful for science. This results in very time consuming preparation and pre-processing of data, especially when datasets from different sources are combined.

The main objectives of V-FOR-WaTer are to simplify data access for environmental sciences, foster data publications, and facilitate preparations of data and their analyses with a comprehensive toolbox. Also, bringing data and tools together in a single environment maximises the reproducibility of analyses and models.

We will present the status of the V-FOR-WaTer system and describe its components and features. The database contains point and time series data, with an extensive metadata model customized for hydrological and environmental data that fulfils international standards (INSPIRE, ISO19115). The incorporated datasets originate from university projects and state offices. The V-FOR-WaTer web portal provides user-friendly access to the datasets by way of a comprehensive search and filter menu. The toolbox includes tools for pre-processing, common hydrologic applications and geostatistics, and is easily extendable due to the modular design of the system (e.g. various tools for data scaling are planned). In cooperation with the users and data providers, the further development of V-FOR-WaTer is expected to create a significant benefit for the scientific work with environmental data.

Document type: Conference Item
Place of Publication: Heidelberg
Date Deposited: 03 Jul 2019 08:11
Date: 2019
Number of Pages: 1
Event Dates: 27.03. - 29.03.2019
Event Location: Heidelberg
Event Title: E-Science-Tage 2019: Data to Knowledge
Faculties / Institutes: Service facilities > Computing Centre
DDC-classification: 004 Data processing Computer science
020 Library and information sciences
Collection: E-Science-Tage 2019
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