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A note on an individual bioequivalence setting

Surulescu, Christina ; Surulescu, N.

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We give a new simpler proof along with a generalization for the inequality of Yao and Iyer \cite{yao} arising in bioequivalence studies and by using a nonparametric approach we also discuss an extension of the individual bioequivalence setting to the case where the data are not necessarily normally distributed.

Document type: Preprint
Series Name: IWR-Preprints
Date Deposited: 23 Mar 2005 13:55
Date: 2005
Faculties / Institutes: Service facilities > Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing
DDC-classification: 510 Mathematics
Controlled Keywords: Bioaequivalenz, probabilistische Ungleichungen
Uncontrolled Keywords: Bioaequivalenz , probabilistische Ungleichungenbioequivalence , probabilistic inequalities
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