Altenhöner, Reinhard ; Bicher, Katrin ; Bracht, Christian ; Brand, Ortrun ; Blümel, Ina ; Bulle, Klaus ; Effinger, Maria ; Hammes, Andrea ; Hartmann, Thomas ; Kailus, Angela ; Kett, Jürgen ; Pittroff, Sarah ; Röwenstrunk, Daniel ; Schelbert, Georg ; Schmidt, Dörte ; Schrade, Torsten ; Simon, Holger ; Taentzer, Gabriele ; Veit, Joachim ; Voß, Franziska ; Walzel, Annika-Valeska ; Wiermann, Barbara
Online-Ressource, German |
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Document type: | Working paper |
Date: | 2019 |
Version: | Primary publication |
Date Deposited: | 21 Dec 2020 13:26 |
Faculties / Institutes: | Research Project, Working Group > Individuals |
DDC-classification: | Organizations and museology |
Controlled Keywords: | Kulturgut, Forschungsdaten, Infrastruktur |
Subject (classification): | Aesthetics, Art History Museology, Art Collection, Art Museum |
Countries/Regions: | Germany, Switzerland, Austria |
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