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Die romanische Kathedrale in Worcester : Baugeschichte und architekturgeschichtliche Stellung (Berichte und Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte ; 9)

Adkins, Helen ; Bangert-Laule, Ulrike ; Boess, Claudia ; Brandt, Michael ; Ellger, Otfried ; Franke, Ines ; Kalchthaler, Peter ; Laule, Bernhard ; May, Michaela ; Neu, Gabriele ; Reidel, Hermann ; Wendebourg, Eva-Andrea ; Wischermann, Heinfried

Online-Ressource, German
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Document type: Book
Place of Publication: Berlin
Date: 1985
Version: Secondary publication
Date Deposited: 22 Dec 2021 15:00
Faculties / Institutes: Research Project, Working Group > Individuals
DDC-classification: Architecture
Controlled Keywords: Kathedrale Worcester, Romanik, Architektur
Subject (classification): Architecture
Countries/Regions: Great Britain, Ireland
Paper series: