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Jacopo Pontormo, Bildnis einer Dame im roten Kleid, um 1522/25, Frankfurt/Main, Städel

ART-Dok is the full-text server of the Specialised Information Service for Art, Photography and Design, arthistoricum.net and is provided by Heidelberg University Library. The publication platform offers scholars worldwide the opportunity to make their publications from the field of Art History accessible online free of charge and in electronic form according to the principles of Open Access. The documents will be stored and their long-term availability guaranteed by using persistent identifiers (URN, DOI) and metadata (OAI-PMH). They are accessible through various international library catalogues and search engines.

As for now, ART-Dok provides free full-text access to 9,018 publications.

Most recent items

1. Clausberg, Karl (2024) Gedächtniswesen & Bildparasiten : Ein Zoo-Besuch mit Warburg.
[thumbnail of Clausberg_Gedaechtniswesen_2024.pdf]
2. Clausberg, Karl (2024) Vor-Gestalten der Neuro-Ästhetik.
[thumbnail of Clausberg_Vor-Gestalten_der_Neuro-Ästhetik_2024.pdf]
3. Kienlechner, Susanne (2024) Max Beckmann (1884-1950) und die optischen Täuschungen auf dem Portrait von "Euretta Rathbone", 1947, dem Triptychon "Akrobaten", 1939 und dem Gemälde "Bauernholzträger" , 1941. Der Versuch einer Analyse.
[thumbnail of Kienlechner_Max_Beckmann_und_die_optischen_Taeuschungen_2024.pdf]
4. Ostrowski, Jan K. (1997) Prof. Tadeusz Chrzanowski. In: Acta Universitatis Jagiellonicae, Nr. 8 (1997), p. 10
[thumbnail of Ostrowski_Prof_Tadeusz_Chrzanowski_1997.pdf]
5. Ostrowski, Jan K. (2000) Kraków - Stolica królewska nad Wisłą. In: Hölz, Christoph (Hrsg.): Wit Stwosz - Veit Stoss. Artysta w Krakowie i Norymberdze. München 2000, pp. 34-39
[thumbnail of Ostrowski_Krakow_Stolica_krolewska_nad_Wisla_2000.pdf]
6. Galusek, Łukasz (2007) Reconstructing a shattered mosaic: the common heritage of Poland and Ukraine. In: Centropa, 7 (2007), Nr. 1. pp. 100-108
[thumbnail of Galusek_Reconstructing_a_shattered_mosaic_2007.pdf]
7. Ostrowski, Jan K. (2017) Akwarela ręki Antoniego Malczewskiego? In: Płaszczewska, Olga ; Siwiec, Magdalena (Hrsgg.): Loci (non) communes. Prace ofiarowane Profesor Marii Korytowskiej. Kraków 2017, pp. 259-263
[thumbnail of Ostrowski_Akwarela_reki_Antoniego_Malczewskiego_2017.pdf]