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Right to the museum? 10 insights into museums' concepts of the public and public perceptions of museums

Reitstätter, Luise ; Galter, Karolin (Hrsgg.)

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Do we have a «Right to the Museum»?

This question was the focus of the research project of the same name, in which archival and field research was used to investigate changes in museums’ concepts of the public and the public perception of museums. The study was based on the cooperation with five Viennese museums – the Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art, the Belvedere, the House of Austrian History, the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, the MAK – Museum of Applied Arts – and Viennese citizens. Ten concise project findings provide information on the relationship between the museum as an institution and the public, and vice versa.

Document type: Book
Editors: Reitstätter, Luise ; Galter, Karolin
Date: 2023
Galter, Karolin
Reitstätter, Luise
Blum, Elena
Frasca-Rath, Anna
Version: Primary publication
Date Deposited: 08 Feb 2023 13:39
Funders: Jubiläumsfonds der Oesterreichischen Nationalbank
Faculties / Institutes: Research Project, Working Group > Individuals
DDC-classification: Organizations and museology
Controlled Keywords: Museum, Öffentlichkeit, Dauerausstellung
Uncontrolled Keywords: museum, public relation, public exhibition
Subject (classification): Museology, Art Collection, Art Museum
Countries/Regions: Germany, Switzerland, Austria
Additional Information: Zugang zum Beitrag in deutscher Sprache siehe Link "Verwandte URLs".