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Excited State Reservoir Computing using Hybrid Perovskite Electrochemically-Gated Luminescent Cells

Kollenz, Philipp ; Herrle, Carina ; Göhringer, Leonard ; Wickenhäuser, Tom ; Pernice, Wolfram ; Klingeler, Rüdiger ; Deschler, Felix

[thumbnail of Kollenz_Excited_State_Reservoir_2025.pdf]
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Download (738kB) | Lizenz: Creative Commons LizenzvertragExcited State Reservoir Computing using Hybrid Perovskite Electrochemically-Gated Luminescent Cells by Kollenz, Philipp ; Herrle, Carina ; Göhringer, Leonard ; Wickenhäuser, Tom ; Pernice, Wolfram ; Klingeler, Rüdiger ; Deschler, Felix underlies the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

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Physical reservoir computing aims to increase computational efficiency of machine learning tasks by shifting the computational burden to a physical system. Reservoirs based on ion dynamics are of particular interest due to the non-linear and integrative nature of ion transport. Here, we demonstrate all-optical operation of a physical reservoir based on electrochemical Li-ion doping of lead halide perovskite microcrystals. Optical excitation changes lithium ion insertion kinetics, which in turn modulate the luminescence response. The heterogenous structure of the crystals leads to a large internal state space of the reservoir. The device can be fabricated using solution-based fabrication and operated using LED illumination, reducing fabrication cost. Our proof-of-concept results demonstrate optically excited state dynamics and ion transport as a promising platform for physical reservoir computing.

Document type: Preprint
Place of Publication: Heidelberg
Date Deposited: 03 Feb 2025 11:54
Date: 2025
Faculties / Institutes: Fakultät für Chemie und Geowissenschaften > Institute of Physical Chemistry
The Faculty of Physics and Astronomy > Kirchhoff Institute for Physics
DDC-classification: 530 Physics
540 Chemistry and allied sciences
600 Technology (Applied sciences)
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