Items where Subject is "590 Zoological sciences"
- DDC classification (28508)
- 590 Zoological sciences (55)
Bading, Hilmar ; Schuster, Christoph (2013) Dem Langzeitgedächtnis auf der Spur. [Video]
Bauer, Andreas (2015) Genetische Analysen zur Brutbiologie des Sibirischen Trauerschnäppers (Ficedula hypoleuca sibirica Khakhlov, 1915). [Dissertation]
Bergheim, Bruno Gideon (2024) Molecular Atlas and Developmental Dynamics of the Nematostella vectensis Mesoglea. [Dissertation]
Bhide, Sourabh (2019) Co-ordination of cell shape changes during ventral furrow formation in Drosophila embryo. [Dissertation]
Bischof, Johanna (2016) The molecular mechanism of surface contraction waves in the starfish oocyte. [Dissertation]
Braun, Michael (2009) Halsbandsittiche in Heidelberg : Biologe Michael Braun im Interview. [Audio]
Caroti, Francesca (2017) Evolution of the extraembryonic tissue in flies: from Megaselia abdita to Drosophila melanogaster. [Dissertation]
Czajka, Christina (2013) Untersuchung zur Culicidenfauna in Deutschland mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Culex pipiens-Komplexes und der Vektorkompetenz für Nematoden und Protozoen. [Dissertation]
Danciu, Diana-Patricia (2019) Mathematical Modelling of Stem Cell Dynamics during Post-embryonic Organ Growth. [Dissertation]
Dolle, Dirk-Dominik (2012) Application of motif scoring algorithms for enhancer prediction in distantly related species. [Dissertation]
Egenrieder, Lisamon (2022) A meta-analysis of the sex-specific effects of psychotropic substances on acute striatal dopamine overflow measured by in vivo microdialysis in rats. [Dissertation]
Eimanifar, Amin (2014) Molecular phylogeography and population genetics of the brine shrimp Artemia (Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anostraca). [Dissertation]
Faßbender, Christopher (2013) Genotoxicity and effects on fertility, reproduction, development as well as histology in zebrafish (Danio rerio) in a multi-generation study – is there a relationship? [Dissertation]
Fichtel, Claudia (2013) Evolution von Kultur bei Primaten. [Video]
Fischer, Fathema (2014) Pathophysiologische Mechanismen hereditärer Formen von Vorhofflimmern. [Dissertation]
Friedrich, Jana (2018) A novel role for the Hox gene Deformed in the control of a motor system required for feeding in Drosophila. [Dissertation]
Gatzmann, Fanny (2019) DNA methylation in the marbled crayfish Procambarus virginalis. [Dissertation]
Ho, Nga Yu (2011) Characterisation of methyl mercury toxicity and identification of methyl mercury-senstitive biomarkers in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. [Dissertation]
Hörtzsch, Jan Niklas (2017) A Single Pair of Neurons Defines a Neuropeptide-Dependent Aversive Memory Channel in Drosophila melanogaster. [Dissertation]
Kais, Britta (2019) Eignet sich der Fischembryotest als Werkzeug zur Bestimmung von spezifischer Toxizität in Embryonen des Zebrabärblings (Danio rerio)? [Dissertation]
Karenberg, Katinka (2020) Die immunmodulierende Wirkung von TUDCA in der Fetalzeit. [Dissertation]
Keiter, Susanne (2013) Long-term effects and chemosensitizing potential of perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) in zebrafish (Danio rerio). [Dissertation]
Kirsch, Nadine Stephanie (2016) Analysis of novel Wnt pathway components acting at the receptor level. [Dissertation]
Kromm, Dimitri (2023) Pushing Light-Sheet Microscopy to Greater Depths. [Dissertation]
Lauri, Antonella (2013) The evolution of the neural crest from an annelid perspective: conserved cell types and signaling pathways in Platynereis dumerilii. [Dissertation]
Linti, Frederik (2020) GPS-basierte Bewegungsanalyse und Verhaltensbeobachtungen zur Gruppendynamik von jungen asiatischen Elefantenbullen (Elephas Maximus) im Zoo Heidelberg. [Master's thesis]
Lischik, Colin (2019) Combining in vivo imaging and mechanistic approaches to investigate Wnt regulation of retinal stem cells. [Dissertation]
Luczak, Simon (2018) Dogsharing. [Audio]
Maleschlijski, Stojan (2014) Behavior of barnacle larvae during surface exploration studied by stereoscopy. [Dissertation]
Martinez Vergara, Hernando (2017) Descriptive and functional approaches for a system-level understanding of Platynereis dumerilii and the evolution of locomotor circuits in Bilateria. [Dissertation]
Nasrh, Mohamed Hassan Atia Hassan (2022) Impact of anti-cancer drugs on antibody-based complement-mediated tumor cell killing. [Dissertation]
Noeske, Viola (2021) Single genes initiate novel epithelial structures in early fly development. [Dissertation]
Papa, Laura (2009) Genetic Analysis of a Population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, L.)in the Rhine System. [Dissertation]
Pluskota, Björn (2011) Die Asiatische Tigermücke (Aedes albopictus) : Thermale Ökologie und Risikoeinschätzung einer Etablierung in Deutschland. [Dissertation]
Puga, David (2020) Molecular characterisation of the commissural neurons in the ventral nerve cord of the annelid Platynereis dumerilii. [Dissertation]
Ruhland, Naima Florence Antonie (2020) Mesoderm internalisation in Chironomus riparius as an example of ingression. [Dissertation]
Ruperti, Fabian (2024) The evolution of cellular functional modules and the origin of coordinated behavior in Metazoa. [Dissertation]
Sokolova, Natalia (2024) From progenitors to stem cells: emergence and characterization of adult retinal stem cells in medaka. [Dissertation]
Starikov, Ivan J. (2023) Molecular phylogeny and systematics of selected taxa of diurnal raptors and owls. [Dissertation]
Storch, Volker (2010) Borstenwürmer : Archinome Storchi und Samytha Storchi sind neu entdeckte Borstenwürmer; sie tragen den Namen des Heidelberger Zoologen Volker Storch. [Audio]
Storch, Volker (2010) Kooperation : auch große Raubfische können ganz zahm und kooperativ sein. [Audio]
Storch, Volker (2010) Namensfindung für neue Pflanzen- und Tierarten : neu entdeckte Gattungen werden meist nach Herkunft oder besonderen Merkmalen benannt. [Audio]
Studer, Tania (2018) The developmental sex-biased expression of genes escaping X chromosome inactivation across mammals. [Dissertation]
Theiß, Martin (2017) Die Rolle des Mikrotubuli-assoziierten Proteins 1B (MAP1B) bei der axonalen Navigation in der embryonalen Retina. [Dissertation]
Toader, Oana-Daniela (2016) Genetic approaches to probe spatial coding in the medial entorhinal cortex. [Dissertation]
Tok, Atalay (2020) Divergent Mechanisms of Head-Trunk Separation in Dipteran Flies. [Dissertation]
Veschgini, Mariam (2016) Viscoelasticity and Structure of Soft Biological Interfaces: From Artificial Models to Living Tissues. [Dissertation]
Vogt, Günter (2017) Investigating the genetic and epigenetic basis of big biological questions with the new crayfish model Procambarus virginalis.
Willaredt, Marc August (2013) Analsysis of the ENU-generated mouse mutant cbs: Primary cilia play a crucial role in cortical development. [Dissertation]
Wittbrodt, Joachim (2010) Hochleistungsfähiges Mikroskopiesystem am Institut für Zoologie. [Video]
Wittbrodt, Joachim (2015) Stammzellforschung anhand von Fischaugen. [Audio]
Yang, Lixin (2007) Transcriptional Profiling Reveals Barcode-Like Toxicogenomic Responses In The Zebrafish Embryo. [Dissertation]
Zenkert, Claudia (2011) Molecular and Cellular Analysis of the Nematostella vectensis Cnidom. [Dissertation]
Álvarez-Vázquez, Javier Y. (2016) Animated Machines, Organic Souls: Maturana and Aristotle on the Nature of Life. International Journal of Novel Research in Humanity and Social Sciences, 3 (1). pp. 67-78. ISSN 2394-9694
Álvarez-Vázquez, Javier Y. (2016) Animated Machines, Organic Souls: Maturana and Aristotle on the Nature of Life. International Journal of Novel Research in Humanity and Social Sciences, 3 (1). pp. 67-78. ISSN 2394-9694