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Bauforschung im Westflügel des Zisterzienserklosters Chorin

Biller, Thomas

In: Bericht über die 38. Tagung für Ausgrabungswissenschaft und Bauforschung 1994 in Brandenburg. Bonn 1996, pp. 58-61

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Document type: Book Section
Version: Secondary publication
Date Deposited: 24 Sep 2010 16:43
Corporate Creators: Koldewey-Gesellschaft
Faculties / Institutes: Research Project, Working Group > Individuals
DDC-classification: Architecture
Controlled Keywords: Chorin / Kloster, Bauforschung
Subject (classification): Architecture
Countries/Regions: Germany, Switzerland, Austria
Paper series:
Additional Information: corp_creators: Koldewey-Gesellschaft