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Controlled Keywords/Uncontrolled Keywords matches "Reiseliteratur"

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1. Buttlar, Adrian von (2019) Pückler an der irischen Bantry Bay: Pittoreske Stereotypen, Poesie und Wirklichkeit. In: Fischer, Hubertus ; Joachim, Wolschke-Bulmahn ; John, Beardsley (Hrsgg.): Reisen und Gärten : Reisen, Reiseberichte und Gärten vom Mittelalter bis in die Gegenwart. München 2019, pp. 193-210
[thumbnail of Buttlar_Pueckler_an_der_irischen_Bantry_Bay_2019.pdf]
2. Michalsky, Tanja (2016) Die Stadt im Buch. Die Konstruktion städtischer Ordnung am Beispiel frühneuzeitlicher Beschreibungen Neapels. In: Stercken, Martina ; Schneider, Ute (Hrsgg.): Urbanität : Formen der Inszenierung in Texten, Karten, Bildern. Köln 2016, pp. 105-131
[thumbnail of Michalsky_Die_Stadt_im_Buch_2016.pdf]
3. Della Valle, Pietro ; Bellori, Giovanni Pietro (2012) Pietro della Valle's research and documentation in the Levant, Part I: Della Valle's exploration of the ruins of Persepolis in 1621 excerpts from: Pietro della Valle: Viaggi di Pietro della Valle il Pellegrino. Con minuto ragguaglio di tutte le cose notabili osservate in essi (Roma 1650-1663), including: Giovan Pietro Bellori: Vita di Pietro Della Valle il Pellegrino, in: Viaggi di Pietro della Valle il Pellegrino, seconda edizione, vol. I, (Roma 1662) (FONTES 66).
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4. Della Valle, Pietro ; Bellori, Giovanni Pietro (2012) Pietro della Valle's research and documentation in the Levant, Part II: Della Valle's descriptions, explications and documentation of "Troia", Babylon ("Babèl"), Sultaniyya ("Sultania"), Ikkeri and the tombs of the poets in Shiraz excerpts from: Pietro della Valle: Viaggi di Pietro Della Valle il Pellegrino. Con minuto ragguaglio di tutte le cose notabili osservate in essi (Roma 1650-1663), including: Giovan Pietro Bellori: Vita di Pietro Della Valle il Pellegrino, in: Viaggi di Pietro Della Valle il Pellegrino, seconda edizione, vol. I, (Roma 1662) (FONTES 67).
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5. Fulvio, Andrea (2011) Andrea Fulvio über die antike Skulptur in Rom: De Capitolino Monte, et eius priscis ornamentis; de statuis et simulacris aus: Andrea Fulvio, Antiquitates urbis (Rom 1527)(FONTES 62).
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6. Kasperowicz, Ryszard (2011) Józef Kremer. Wstęp. In: Kremer, Józef: Wybór pism estetycznych. Kraków 2011, S. VII-XXI
[thumbnail of Kasperowicz_Ryszard_Jozef_Kremer_Wstep_2011.pdf]
7. Serlio, Sebastiano (2011) East of Italy: early documentation of Mediterranean antiquities. Excerpts from Sebastiano Serlio: Il terzo libro di Sebastiano Serlio Bolognese nel qual si figurano e descrivono le antiquità di Roma, e le altre cose che sono in Italia, e fuori d’Italia (Venezia 1540) with further texts excerpted from Bernardino Amico, Giosafat Barbaro, Garcia de Silva y Figueroa, Pietro Della Valle, Jean Chardin and others (FONTES 57).
[thumbnail of Daly_Davis_Fontes57.pdf]
8. Babin, Jacques Paul (2009) Jacques Paul Babin: Relation de l’etat present de la ville d’Athenes, ancienne capitale de la Grece, bâtie depuis 3400 ans (Lyon 1674) (FONTES 39).
[thumbnail of Daly_Davis_Fontes39.pdf]
9. Huyssen, Heinrich von (2009) Heinrich von Huyssen, "Der vierte Brieff": Eine Beschreibung der Stadt Florenz (1698), aus: [Heinrich von Huyssen]: Curieuse und vollständige Reiß=Beschreibung von gantz Italien (Freiburg 1701) (FONTES 44).
[thumbnail of Daly_Davis_Fontes44.pdf]
10. Skippon, Philip (2009) Philip Skippon's "Description of Florence" (1664) in: Philipp Skippon: "An account of a journey made thro’ part of the Low-Countries, Germany, Italy and France", in: "A collection of voyages and travels, some now printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English (...)", second edition, volume VI (London 1746) (FONTES 51).
[thumbnail of Nachtrag / Addendum]
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11. Skippon, Philip (2009) Philip Skippons Bericht über einen Aufenthalt in Heidelberg im Sommer 1663 in: Philip Skippon: An Account of a journey made thro' part of the Low Countries, Germany, Italy and France, in: A collection of voyages and travels: some now first printed from original manuscripts, other now first published in English in six volumes [...], printed by assignement from Mssrs. Churchill, London, 1732, Vol. VI, S. 432-441 (FONTES 56).
[thumbnail of Nachtrag / Addendum]
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12. Fauno, Lucio (2008) Lucio Fauno: “Alli lettori”, in: Delle antichità della citta di Roma, raccolte e scritte da M. Lucio Fauno con somma brevità, et ordine, con quanto gli Antichi ò Moderni scritto ne hanno, Libri V. (Venezia 1548) (FONTES 13).
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13. Strozzi, Giulio (2008) Giulio Strozzi: La Venetia edificata ... Poema eroico (Venedig 1624). Das 11. Kapitel zur Personifikation der 'Kunst' und zur 'Galleria del Cielo' (FONTES 10).
[thumbnail of Pfisterer_Fontes10.pdf]
Displaying results 1 to 13 of 13.
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