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Two letters of Bartolomeo Ammannati: Invention and programme, Part I. Bartolomeo Ammannati: "Al Magnifico Signor mio Osservandissimo [Bartolomeo Concino (?)] (...) Di Siena agli 3 di Novembre 1559", from: Due lettere di Bartolommeo Ammannati scultore ed architetto fiorentino del secolo XVI [ed. Gaetano Milanesi], Firenze 1869 (FONTES 46)

Ammannati, Bartolomeo

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FONTES 46 presents in full text form a letter of 3 November 1559 by Bartolomeo Ammannati describing the invention and programme of his apparatus for the triumphal entry of Cosimo I de’ Medici into Siena in 1560 following the ‚Guerra di Siena’. The ‚vita’ of Ammannati from Raffaello Borghini, ‚Il Riposo’ (Firenze 1584) is also included in a full text version.

Translation of abstract (German)

FONTES 46 präsentiert als Volltext einen Brief von Bartolomeo Ammannati vom 3. November 1559, der die Invention und das Bildprogramm des ‚apparato’ für den Einzug des Cosimo I de’ Medici in Siena 1560 nach der ‚Guerra di Siena’ beschreibt. Die ‚Vita’ von Ammannati aus Raffaello Borghini ‚Il Riposo’ (Firenze 1584) ist dieser Edition ebenfalls als Volltext beigegeben.

Document type: Book
Editors: Davis, Charles
Date: 2010
Version: Primary publication
Date Deposited: 01 Feb 2010 17:37
Faculties / Institutes: Research Project, Working Group > Individuals
DDC-classification: Plastic arts, numismatics, ceramics, metalwork
Controlled Keywords: Ammannati, Bartolomeo, Brief, Cosimo <Toskana, Großherzog, I.>, Siena, Einzug, Geschichte 1560, Quelle
Uncontrolled Keywords: Brief
Subject (classification): Artists, Architects
Countries/Regions: Italy
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