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Historische Reflexion über Kunst in der Kunst. Léa Kuhn, Gemalte Kunstgeschichte. Bildgenealogien in der Malerei um 1800. - [Rezension]

Busch, Werner

In: Kunstchronik, 74 (2021), Nr. 5. pp. 252-262

Online-Ressource, German
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Document type: Review
Version: Secondary publication
Date Deposited: 09 Apr 2024 11:37
Faculties / Institutes: Research Project, Working Group > Individuals
DDC-classification: Painting
Controlled Keywords: Kuhn, Léa, Tischbein, Johann Heinrich Wilhelm / Einer den anderen gemalt, Dunlap, William / The Dunlap Family. The artist showing a picture from "Hamlet" to his parents, Capet, Marie Gabrielle / Madame Vincent travaillant au portrait de Vien et ses principaux élèves
Subject (classification): Aesthetics, Art History
Countries/Regions: France
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