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Jacopo Pontormo, Bildnis einer Dame im roten Kleid, um 1522/25, Frankfurt/Main, Städel

ART-Dok is the full-text server of the Specialised Information Service for Art, Photography and Design, arthistoricum.net and is provided by Heidelberg University Library. The publication platform offers scholars worldwide the opportunity to make their publications from the field of Art History accessible online free of charge and in electronic form according to the principles of Open Access. The documents will be stored and their long-term availability guaranteed by using persistent identifiers (URN, DOI) and metadata (OAI-PMH). They are accessible through various international library catalogues and search engines.

As for now, ART-Dok provides free full-text access to 8,945 publications.

Most recent items

1. Gross, Uwe (2024) Ofenkacheln mit Linsenböden.
[thumbnail of Gross_Ofenkacheln_mit_Linsenboeden_2024.pdf]
2. Komar, Żanna (2015) Mistyfikator Galicji. O Włodku Kostyrce = Galicia’s mystifier. On Vlodko Kostyrko. In: Herito, Nr. 21 (2015), pp. 96-107
[thumbnail of Komar_Mistyfikator_Galicji_2015.pdf]
3. Sommer, Clemens (1936) Der Meister des Breisacher Hochaltares und die Basler Plastik der Spätgotik. In: Actes du Congrès, Vol. I: Résumés des communications présentées en section; XIVe Congrès international d'histoire de l'art 1936. Laupen-Bern 1936, pp. 88-89
[thumbnail of Sommer_Der_Meister_des_Breisacher_Hochaltares_1936.pdf]
4. Kirves, Martin (2024) Christus als alter ego. Albrecht Dürers Selbstporträt im Pelzrock – eine gemalte Bildtheologie.
[thumbnail of Kirves_Christus_als_alter_ego_Duerers_Selbstportraet_im_Pelzrock_2024.pdf]
5. Komar, Żanna (2013) Sto najważniejszych budynków Lwowa = One hundred landmark buildings in Lviv. In: Herito, Nr. 11 (2013), pp. 180-183
[thumbnail of Komar_Sto_najwazniejszych_budynkow_2013.pdf]
6. Komar, Żanna (2012) Balast czy łatwy łup? Ukraiński kryzys muzealny = A burden or easy loot? The Ukrainian museum crisis. In: Herito, Nr. 6 (2012), pp. 142-145
[thumbnail of Komar_Balast_czy_latwy_lup_2012.pdf]
7. Komar, Żanna (2011) Europejski kod miast ukraińskich = The European code of Ukraine's cities. In: Herito, Nr. 5 (2011), pp. 86-91
[thumbnail of Komar_Europejski_kod_miast_ukrainskich_2011.pdf]