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Item matches "yule"

Displaying results 21 to 40 of 87.
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21. Yule, Paul (2017) Al-Moyassar is the gift of the Falaj. In: al-Tikriti, W.Y. ; Yule, Paul (Hrsgg.): Proceedings of Water & Life in Arabia Conference : 14th-16th December, 2014. Abu Dhabi 2017, pp. 87-101
[thumbnail of Yule_al-moyassar_2017.pdf]
22. Yule, Paul (2017) Visit in al-Sharqiyah/al-Niba'/al-Dhurra in Wadi al-Niba (=Wadi al-Aghda’).
[thumbnail of Yule_al-Dhurra visit 2017.pdf]
23. Yule, Paul ; al-Rassibi, Khalifa Khamis (2017) Recording of archaeological contexts at ‘Umq al-Rabah, al-Sharqiyah.
[thumbnail of Yule_Al_Rassibi_2015.pdf]
24. Yule, Paul ; Gaudiello, Michela (2017) Photogrammetric recording of an Early Iron Age hut tomb in central Oman. In: Kermes : arte e tecnica del restauro, 30 (2017), Nr. 107. pp. 50-54
[thumbnail of yule_gaudiello_photogrammetr_ Kermes_2017.pdf]
25. Gaudiello, Michela ; Hilbrig, Curt ; Partheil, Svenja ; Yule, Paul (2016) Mifsas Baḥri, Fourth preliminary internal field report, 2016 Season.
[thumbnail of 2016 internal mb report.pdf]
26. Yule, Paul (2016) Image archives for the archaeology of Arabia: a race against time.
[thumbnail of 2016 yule a race against time.pdf]
27. Yule, Paul (2016) ‘New’ Excavations in Oman 1974‒95.
[thumbnail of yule 2016 london sas txt ppt.pdf]
28. Yule, Paul (2016) Valorising the Samad Late Iron Age. In: Arabian archaeology and epigraphy, 27 (2016), pp. 31-71
[thumbnail of Yule_valorising_the_late_iron_age_2016.pdf]
29. Yule, Paul (2016) Ẓafār/Yemen – a brief summary.
[thumbnail of Yule_zafar_2Bpics_2016.pdf]
30. Yule, Paul ; Pariselle, Christine (2016) Silver phiale said to be from al-Juba (al-Wusṭa Governorate) — an archaeological puzzle. In: Arabian archaeology and epigraphy, 27 (2016), pp. 153-165
[thumbnail of Yule_Pariselle_silver_phiale_2016.pdf]
31. Yule, Paul (2015) Archaeological recording of Heidelberg University in Oman, April & December 2014, May 2015.
[thumbnail of 2015 yule ministry report.pdf]
32. Yule, Paul (2015) The ʿIbrī/Selme Hoard from al-Ẓāhirah Province – 30 years after. In: Proceedings of the symposium, the archaeological heritage of Oman UNESCO, Paris – September 7th 2012. Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Sultanate of Oman. Muscat 2015, pp. 133-140
[thumbnail of Yule_Selme_2015.pdf]
33. Yule, Paul (2014) A new prehistoric anthropomorphic figure from the Sharqiyah, Oman. In: Lamberg-Karlovsky, C.C. (Hrsg.): 'My life is like the summer rose.' Maurizio Tosi e l'archeologia come modo di vivere; papers in honour of Maurizio tosi for his 70th birthday. Oxford 2014, pp. 759-760 (BAR : International series ; 2690)
[thumbnail of Yule_A_new_prehistoric_anthropomorphic_figure_2014.pdf]
34. Kroll, Stephan ; Yule, Paul (2013) The Early Iron Age fort at Lizq, Sultanate of Oman. In: Zeitschrift für Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen, 5 (2013), pp. 159-220
[thumbnail of Kroll_Yule Early_Iron_Age_Fort_2013.pdf]
35. Yule, Paul (2013) A Late Antique Christian king from Ẓafār, southern Arabia. In: Antiquity, a review of world archaeology, 87 (2013), pp. 1124-1135
36. Yule, Paul (2013) Pre-arabic inscriptions from Wādī Saḥtan, Wilāyat al-Rustāq, Governorate of the South al-Bāṭinah Region, Sultanate of Oman. In: Kuty, Renaud ; Seeger, Ulrich ; Talay, Shabo (Hrsgg.): nur mit Engelszungen. Beiträge zur semitischen Dialektologie Festschrift für Werner Arnold zum 60. Geburtstag. Wiesbaden 2013, pp. 399-402
[thumbnail of Yule_Pre_Arabic_inscription_2013.pdf]
37. Pfälzner, Peter (2012) Levantine kingdoms of the late Bronze Age. In: Potts, D.T. (Hrsg.): Companion to the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Oxford 2012, pp. 770-796
[thumbnail of Pfaelzner_Levantine Kingdoms 2012.pdf]
38. Yule, Paul (2011) In memoriam Dr Gerd Weisgerber. In: Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 41 (2011), pp. 1-2
[thumbnail of Yule_In_memorium_Dr_ Gerd_Weisgerber_ 2011.pdf]
39. Yule, Paul (2011) Pottery Workshop: Arabia and the Red Sea after the Turning to the Common Era: Advancing the State of the Art, 15-16-10.2011, Internationales Wissenschaftsforum der Universität Heidelberg.
[thumbnail of Yule_pottery_workshop_2011.pdf]
40. Yule, Paul ; Kirfel, Armin ; Kockelmann, Winfried (2011) Non-destructive chemical analysis of old south arabian coins, fourth century BCE to third century CE. In: Archaeometry, 53 (2011), pp. 930-949
[thumbnail of yule_kirfel_kockelmann_ 2011.pdf]
Displaying results 21 to 40 of 87.
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