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Oprawy artystyczne uroczystości okazjonalnych we Lwowie w XVIII wieku. Próba rekonesansu

Betlej, Andrzej

English Title: The artistic setting of occasional ceremonies in Lviv in the 18th century. An attempt at a reconnaissance

In: Betlej, Andrzej ; Brzezina-Scheuerer, Katarzyna ; Dworzak, Agata ; Fabiański, Marcin ; Krasny, Piotr ; Kurzej, Michał ; Nestorow, Dagny (Hrsgg.): Velis quod possis. Studia z historii sztuki ofiarowane profesorowi Janowi Ostrowskiemu. Kraków 2016, pp. 61-66 , Abb. S. 640-643

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Document type: Book Section
Version: Secondary publication
Date Deposited: 18 Jun 2021 16:08
Faculties / Institutes: Research Project, Working Group > Individuals
DDC-classification: Landscaping and area planning
Plastic arts, numismatics, ceramics, metalwork
Drawing and decorative arts
Graphics arts, prints
Controlled Keywords: Lemberg, Bild, Kult, Reliquienkult, Marienverehrung, Ritus, Geschichte 1700-1800
Subject (classification): Drawing, Printmaking
Decorative Arts
Countries/Regions: East Europe
Collection: ART-Dok Central and Eastern Europe
Additional Information: Mit einer Zusammenfassung auf Englisch (S. 66).