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Aby Warburgs Bildregie. Der Bilderatlas Mnemosyne als ikonologisches Bilderrätsel?

Zöllner, Frank

In: Albl, Stefan ; Hub, Berthold ; Frasca-Rath, Anna (Hrsgg.): Close reading : kunsthistorische Interpretationen vom Mittelalter bis in die Moderne ; Festschrift für Sebastian Schütze. Berlin 2021, pp. 734-745

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The article demonstrates in an exemplary way how and to what extent individual panels of Warburg's picture atlas "Mnemosyne" can be explained. The focus is on plate 77 and the question of how exactly Warburg's intentions can be reconstructed.

Document type: Book Section
Version: Secondary publication
Date Deposited: 03 Feb 2025 13:48
Faculties / Institutes: Research Project, Working Group > Individuals
DDC-classification: Arts
Controlled Keywords: Warburg, Aby / Mnemosyne, Ikonologie, Motiv, Komposition
Subject (classification): Iconography
Aesthetics, Art History
Countries/Regions: Germany, Switzerland, Austria
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