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Autor/Herausgeber "Davis,Charles"

Angezeigte Ergebnisse 1 von 20 bis 45.
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1. Davis, Charles (2013) Auf den Spuren der Nazarener : Re-reading Vittoria Caldoni: Friedrich Overbeck’s "Portrait" in the Neue Pinakothek.
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2. Davis, Charles (2013) Vasari in England: an Episode. Was Mrs. Foster a Plagiarist? with excerpts from Mrs. Jonathan Foster, Lives of the most eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, translated from the Italian of Giorgio Vasari, London: Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden, MDCCCL-MDCCCLII (FONTES 75).
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3. Vasari, Giorgio (2013) Vasari in England, 2: Fra Angelico translated, 1850. Giorgio Vasari, The Life of Giovanni Angelico da Fiesole, translated from the Italian of Vasari by Giovanni Aubrey Bezzi, with Notes and Illustrations, printed for the Arundel Society, 1850 (FONTES 76).
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4. Davis, Charles, Hrsg. (2012) Carteggio Vasariano, II.: "XL or XXL?": Letters lost and found. Cavaliere Giorgio Vasari Il Giovane, "Nota di diversi Gran' Principi, et Signori che hanno scritto in diversi tempi à messer Giorgio Vasari (...)", in: Varie lettere di messer Giorgio Vasari Aretino Pittore, et Architettore, (...) raccolte dal Cavaliere Giorgio Vasari suo Nipote (...), Firenze, Biblioteca Riccardiana, Ms. Riccardiana, 2354, fol. 91r–92 v, circa 1590 (FONTES 71).
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5. Bartoli, Cosimo (2012) Cosimo Bartoli and Michelangelo. A study of the sources for Michelangelo by Bartoli with excerpts from the Ragionamenti accademici di Cosimo Bartoli gentil' humo et accademico fiorentino, sopra alcuni luoghi difficili di Dante (Venezia: de Franceschi, 1567) and other works by Bartoli (FONTES 64).
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6. Serpa, Carlo (2012) Carteggio Vasariano: A letter from Carlo Serpa and twelve related documents (FONTES 70).
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7. Steinmann, Ernst (2012) Ernst Steinmann, Postillen (um 1931-1932), in: Ein Exemplar der Ausgabe Karl Freys von Le Vite di Michelangelo Buonarroti scritte da Giorgio Vasari e da Ascanio Condivi con aggiunte e note, Berlin 1887 (FONTES 73).
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8. Wotton, Henry (2012) Henry Wotton, The elements of architecture, London: John Bill, 1624. Part one (FONTES 68).
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9. Davis, Charles (2011) Ammannati at the Bargello. In: The Burlington magazine, 153 (2011), Nr. August. S. 557-558
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10. Davis, Charles (2011) Prints as sources. Ridolfo Sirigatti's marble Venus in an engraving after Stradanus. A print engraved by Hieronymus Wierix: "Amoris, en quanta vis", Venus by Ridolfo Sirigatti drawn by Johannes Stradanus (Antwerpen: Philips Galle, 1585/1590 circa)(FONTES 59).
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11. Hogarth, William (2011) Hogarth's Analisi della bellezza of 1761, and a phantom Italian translation made in 1754. Guglielmo [William] Hogarth: L'analisi della bellezza, Livorno: Giovanni Paolo Fantechi, 1761 (FONTES 58).
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12. Ammannati, Bartolomeo (2010) Two letters of Bartolomeo Ammannati: Invention and programme, Part I. Bartolomeo Ammannati: "Al Magnifico Signor mio Osservandissimo [Bartolomeo Concino (?)] (...) Di Siena agli 3 di Novembre 1559", from: Due lettere di Bartolommeo Ammannati scultore ed architetto fiorentino del secolo XVI [ed. Gaetano Milanesi], Firenze 1869 (FONTES 46).
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13. Bätschmann, Oskar (2010) The paragone of sculpture and painting in Florence around 1550. In: Burzer, Katja ; Davis, Charles ; Feser, Sabine ; Nova, Alessandro (Hrsgg.): Le vite del Vasari : genesi, topoi, ricezione = Die Vite Vasaris : Entstehung, Topoi, Rezeption. Venezia 2010, S. 85-96 (Collana del Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut ; 14)
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14. Borghini, Vincenzo (2010) Vincenzo Borghini: "MDLX a 28 d’ottobre, nel qual dì, Sua Eccellenza hebbe il tosone, fece l’entrata in Siena come appresso" Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, Ms. II. X. 100 [ca. 1560] (FONTES 50).
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15. Cirni, Antonio Francesco (2010) La reale entrata: invention, programme, inscriptions, and description for the entry of Cosimo de' Medici into Siena, 1560. Anton Francesco Cirni: La reale entrata dell'Eccellentissimo Signor Duca et Duchessa di Fiorenza, in Siena, con la significatione delle latine inscrittioni, e con alcuni sonetti, scritta per Anton Francesco Cirni Corso. In Roma per Antonio Blado Stampator Camerale [1560] (FONTES 48).
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16. Hogarth, William (2010) Hogarth for Germany - "Made in England". Zergliederung, or the Anatomy of beauty. Wilhelm [William] Hogarth: Zergliederung der Schönheit, die schwankenden Begriffe von dem Geschmack festzusetzen. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Christlob Mylius. Verbesserter und vermehrter Abdruck.(Berlin und Potsdam: Christian Friedrich Voß, 1754) (Excerpts/Auszüge) (FONTES 53).
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17. Hogarth, William (2010) "To see with our own eyes": Hogarth between native empiricism and a theory of "beauty in form". William Hogarth: The analysis of beauty (London: Printed by John Reeves for the Author, 1753) (FONTES 52).
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18. Martellini, Antonio (2010) Antonio Martellini: La solenne entrata del lo illustrissimo, et eccellentissimo Signore il Signor Duca di Fiorenza et Siena, fatta a XXVIII. d'ottobre, MDLX, in Siena (Firenze: Lorenzo Torrentino, 1560) (FONTES 49).
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19. Nova, Alessandro (2010) Giorgio Vasari e i metodi della storia dell’arte. In: Burzer, Katja ; Davis, Charles ; Feser, Sabine ; Nova, Alessandro (Hrsgg.): Le Vite del Vasari : genesi, topoi, ricezione ; [atti del convegno, 13 - 17 febbraio 2008, Firenze, Kunsthistorisches Institut, Max-Planck-Institut]. Venezia 2010, S. 1-6 (Collana del Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max Planck Institut ; 14)
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20. Rouquet, Jean André (2010) Hogarth explained for foreign markets: French Bildbeschreibungen in Berlin. (Jean-)André Rouquet: Briefe des Herrn Rouquet an einen seiner Freunde in Paris; worinn er ihm die Kupferstiche des Herrn Hogarths erklärt., in: Wilhelm [William] Hogarth, Zergliederung der Schönheit, die schwankenden Begriffe von dem Geschmack festzusetzen (...). Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Christlob Mylius. Verbesserter und vermehrter Abdruck. (Berlin-Potsdam: Christian Friedrich Voß, 1754) (FONTES 54).
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