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Katedra ormiańska we Lwowie w latach 1902-1938. Przemiany architektoniczne i dekoracja wnętrza

Wolańska, Joanna

Englische Übersetzung des Titels: The Armenian cathedral in Lvov (1902-1938). Architectural transformations and interior decoration

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Übersetzung des Abstracts (Englisch)

In the years 1902-1938, during the episcopal rule of Archbishop Józef Teodorowicz and on his initiative, the Armenian cathedral in Lvov, a church dating back to the fourteenth century, underwent a complex restoration and refurbishment. As an outcome, all previous historical layers that had accumulated in the building over the centuries had been thoroughly removed, so that its "original" Armenian features could be revealed. Additionally, some arbitrary, new, allegedly Armenian elements had been introduced (external decoration of the apses by Jan Bołoz Antoniewicz) in order to emphasise the Armenian pedigree of the building, and thus to underscore the ethnic uniqueness and singularity of the then already well-assimilated Armenian population of Lvov, present in the city for many centuries. The cathedral building was extended in the years 1908-1910, according to the plans of Franciszek Mączyński, whereas still in 1907 Józef Mehoffer prepared designs for its mural decoration, of which only mosaics in the dome had been executed in 1912-1913. The refurbishment works were interrupted by the outbreak of World War I and resumed only after its end. It was then (1925-1929) that their last element, being the mural paintings and stained-glass windows by Jan Henryk Rosen, had been completed. This highly original and individual creation of the painter is to be considered one of the most interesting mural church decorations of this period in Poland; it is equally interesting when compared with similar European examples of the interwar period.

Dokumententyp: Buch
Verlag: Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Ort der Veröffentlichung: Warszawa
Erscheinungsjahr: 2010
Ausgabe: Zweitveröffentlichung
Erstellungsdatum: 21 Mai 2012 17:24
Institute/Einrichtungen: Forschungsprojekt, Arbeitsgemeinschaft > Einzelpersonen
DDC-Sachgruppe: Malerei
Normierte Schlagwörter: Rosen, Jan Henryk, Mehoffer, Józef, Lemberg / Armenische Kathedrale, Ausstattung, Geschichte 1902-1938
Thema: Architektur
Bildende Künstler, Architekten
Land/Region: Osteuropa
Sammlung: ART-Dok Central and Eastern Europe
Zusätzliche Informationen: Mit einer ausführlichen Zusammenfassung auf Englisch, Ukrainisch und Armenisch. Druckausgabe: Wolańska, Joanna: Katedra ormiańska we Lwowie w latach 1902-1938. Przemiany architektoniczne i dekoracja wnętrza, Warszawa 2010, ISBN 978-83-929227-9-7