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Драматургия Огня и Света как вид иеротопического творчества. Dramaturgija Ognja i Sveta kak vid ierotopičeskogo tvorčestva / The dramaturgy of light and fire as a form of hierotopical creativity

Lidov, Aleksej M.

English Title: The dramaturgy of light and fire as a form of hierotopical creativity

In: Lidov, Aleksej M. (Hrsg.): Ierotopija ognja i sveta v kul’ture vizantijskogo mira. Moskva 2013, pp. 8-19

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Document type: Book Section
Version: Secondary publication
Date Deposited: 28 Sep 2015 12:24
Faculties / Institutes: Research Project, Working Group > Individuals
DDC-classification: Arts
Controlled Keywords: Byzantinisches Reich, Kunst, Ikone, Feuer, Symbolik, Lichtsymbolik, Osterliturgie
Subject (classification): Architecture
Artists, Architects
Countries/Regions: Asia
Near East
East Europe
South East Europe
Collection: ART-Dok Central and Eastern Europe
ART-Dok Russia
Additional Information: Einleitung zum Sammelband auf Russisch und Englisch