Zöllner, Frank
In: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, 52 (1989), pp. 334-352

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Document type: | Article |
Version: | Secondary publication |
Date Deposited: | 11 Aug 2006 12:48 |
Faculties / Institutes: | Research Project, Working Group > Individuals |
DDC-classification: | Arts |
Controlled Keywords: | Leonardo <da Vinci> / Trattato della pittura / Handschrift / Rom / Vatikanische Bibliothek / Cod. Urb. lat. 1270, Codex Huygens, Proportion, Bewegung |
Subject (classification): | Artists, Architects |
Paper series: | Series Volume |
Available Versions of this Item
- Die Bedeutung von Codex Huygens und Codex Urbinas für die Proportions- und Bewegungsstudien Leonardos da Vinci. (deposited 11 Aug 2006 12:48) [Currently Displayed]