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  • Schriftenreihe (1025)
    • Discussion Paper Series / University of Heidelberg, Department of Economics (257)
Anzahl der Publikationen auf dieser Ebene: 257.

0439 Asset Bubbles without Dividends - An Experiment. Oechssler, Jörg ; Schmidt, Carsten ; Schnedler, Wendelin 2007

0463 Cooling-Off in Negotiations - Does It Work? Oechssler, Jörg ; Roider, Andreas ; Schmitz, Patrick W. 2008

0465 Cognitive Abilities and Behavioral Biases. Oechssler, Jörg ; Roider, Andreas ; Schmitz, Patrick W. 2008

0486 Searching beyond the lamppost: Let’s focus on economically relevant questions. Oechssler, Jörg 2009

0487 A Dynamic Ellsberg Urn Experiment. Dominiak, Adam ; Dürsch, Peter ; Lefort, Jean-Philippe 2009

0488 Kausalität in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Welche Ursachen hat die Finanzkrise? Bernholz, Peter ; Faber, Malte ; Petersen, Thomas 2009

0489 Unambiguous Events and Dynamic Choquet Preferences. Dominiak, Adam ; Lefort, Jean-Philippe 2009

0490 Neo-additive capacities and updating. Eichberger, Jürgen ; Grant, Simon ; Lefort, Jean-Philippe 2009

0491 Das Management des (un)erwünschten Ressourcenüberschusses Teil II. Die Messbarkeit des organizational slack. Krcal, Hans-Christian 2009

0492 Price Discovery, Causality and Volatility Spillovers in European Union Allowances Phase II: A High Frequency Analysis. Rittler, Daniel 2009

0493 Population Aging and the Direction of Technical Change. Irmen, Andreas 2009

0494 Attitudes towards Uncertainty and Randomization: An Experimental Study. Dominiak, Adam ; Schnedler, Wendelin 2009

0495 On the relation between income inequality and happiness: Do fairness perceptions matter? Bjørnskov, Christian ; Dreher, Axel ; Fischer, Justina A. V. ; Schnellenbach, Jan 2010

0496 Steady-State Growth and the Elasticity of Substitution. Irmen, Andreas 2010

0497 Modeling and Explaining the Dynamics of European Union Allowance Prices at High-Frequency. Conrad, Christian ; Rittler, Daniel ; Rotfuß, Waldemar 2010

0498 Mandatory Sick Pay Provision: A Labor Market Experiment. Bauernschuster, Stefan ; Duersch, Peter ; Oechssler, Jörg ; Vadovic, Radovan 2010

0499 Unbeatable Imitation. Duersch, Peter ; Oechssler, Jörg ; Schipper, Burkhard C. 2010

0500 Pure Saddle Points and Symmetric Relative Payoff Games. Duersch, Peter ; Oechssler, Jörg ; Schipper, Burkhard C. 2010

0501 Taking punishment into your own hands: An experiment on the motivation underlying punishment. Duersch, Peter ; Müller, Julia 2010

0502 Das Management des (un)erwünschten Ressourcenüberschusses. Teil III. Das optimale Slack-Niveau – Die Bewertung des organizational slack. Krcal, Hans-Christian 2010

0503 Die Persistenz von Institutionen - Hindernisse auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Flächennutzungspolitik in Deutschland. Fischer, Beate ; Jöst, Frank ; Manstetten, Reiner 2010

0504 Explaining Inflation Persistence by a Time-Varying Taylor Rule. Conrad, Christian ; Eife, Thomas A. 2010

0505 Hidden Action, Identification, and Organization Design. Schnedler, Wendelin 2010

0506 Beschäftigungswirkungen verringerter Sozialleistungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt – Was bewirkt Hartz IV? Irmen, Andreas ; Lipponer, Christoph 2010

0507 Modeling the link between US inflation and output: the importance of the uncertainty channel. Conrad, Christian ; Karanasos, Menelaos 2010

0508 Aging and decision making: How aging affects decisions under uncertainty. Sproten, Alec ; Diener, Carsten ; Fiebach, Christian ; Schwieren, Christiane 2010

0509 Ist Wirtschaftswachstum systemimmanent? Irmen, Andreas 2011

0510 Population Aging, the Composition of Government Spending,and Endogenous Economic Growth in Politico-Economic Equilibrium. Kuehnel, Johanna 2011

0511 Can Personality Explain what is Underlying Women's Unwillingness to Compete? Müller, Julia ; Schwieren, Christiane 2011

0512 Finitely repeated games with social preferences. Oechssler, Jörg 2011

0513 Das Management des (un)erwünschten Ressourcenüberschusses Teil IV. Absorbierter organizational slack für die sekundäre Wertschöpfung. Krcal, Hans-Christian 2011

0514 Giving in a Large Economy: Price vs. Non-Price Effects in a Field Experiment. Diederich, Johannes ; Goeschl, Timo 2011

0515 Finitely repeated games with social preferences. Oechssler, Jörg 2011

0516 More than Meets the Eye: an Eye-tracking Experiment on the Beauty Contest Game. Müller, Julia ; Schwieren, Christiane 2011

0517 Willingness to Pay for Individual Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions: Evidence from a Large Field Experiment. Diederich, Johannes ; Goeschl, Timo 2011

0518 Explaining the Persistent Effect of the Euro-Changeover on German Restaurant Prices. Eife, Thomas A. 2011

0519 Juvenile Law and Recidivism in Germany – New Evidence from the Old Continent. Pichler, Stefan ; Römer, Daniel 2011

0520 Karl Marx: Herakles oder Sisyphos?Eine philosophische und ökonomische Untersuchung. Petersen, Thomas ; Faber, Malte 2012

0521 Explaining Inflation-Gap Persistence by a Time-Varying Taylor Rule. Conrad, Christian ; Eife, Thomas A. 2012

0522 Age differences in the reaction to incentives – do older people avoid competition? Sproten, Alec N. ; Schwieren, Christiane 2012

0523 The Asymmetric Leximin Solution. Driesen, Bram W. 2012

0524 On the Obligation to Provide Environmental Information in the 21st Century – Empirical Evidence from Germany. Massier, Philipp ; Römer, Daniel 2012

0525 On the Macroeconomic Determinants of the Long-Term Oil-Stock Correlation. Conrad, Christian ; Loch, Karin ; Rittler, Daniel 2012

0526 The Environmental Aspect of “Making People Rich as the Top Priority” in China: a Marxian Perspective. Faber, Malte ; Petersen, Thomas 2012

0527 Endangering the natural basis of life is unjust. On the status and future of the sustainability discourse. Becker, Christian ; Ewringmann, Dieter ; Faber, Malte ; Petersen, Thomas ; Zahrnt, Angelika 2012

0528 How do people cope with an ambiguous situation when it becomes even more ambiguous? Eichberger, Jürgen ; Oechssler, Jörg ; Schnedler, Wendelin 2012

0529 Once Beaten, Never Again: Imitation in Two-Player Potential Games. Duersch, Peter ; Oechssler, Jörg ; Schipper, Burkhard C. 2012

0530 Hierarchy, Coercion, and Exploitation: An Experimental Analysis. Nikiforakis, Nikos ; Oechssler, Jörg ; Shah, Anwar 2012

0531 Benefit or burden? Unraveling the effect of economic freedom on subjective well-being. Gehring, Kai 2012

0532 The Needy Donor: An Empirical Analysis of India’s Aid Motives. Fuchs, Andreas ; Vadlamannati, Krishna Chaitanya 2012

0533 Stereotypes and Risk Attitudes: Evidence from the Lab and the Field. Leuermann, Andrea ; Roth, Benjamin 2012

0534 Does good advice come cheap? - On the assessment of risk preferences in the lab and the field. Leuermann, Andrea ; Roth, Benjamin 2012

0535 Anticipating Long-Term Stock Market Volatility. Conrad, Christian ; Loch, Karin 2012

0536 The Effect of Political Communication on European Financial Markets during the Sovereign Debt Crisis. Conrad, Christian ; Zumbach, Klaus Ulrich 2012

0537 Heterogeneous consumers, segmented asset markets, and the effects of monetary policy. Enders, Zeno 2012

0538 Enhancing Foreign Direct Investment via Transparency? Evaluating the Effects of the EITI on FDI. Schmaljohann, Maya 2013

0539 Do Aid Donors Coordinate Within Recipient Countries? Öhler, Hannes 2013

0540 The Intergenerational Transfer of Solar Radiation Management Capabilities and Atmospheric Carbon Stocks. Goeschl, Timo ; Heyen, Daniel ; Moreno-Cruz, Juan 2013

0541 Does Inclusion Guarantee Institutional Autonomy? The Case of the Inter-American Development Bank. Hernandez, Diego 2013

0542 Systemisch bedingte Gestaltungsaufgaben für das soziale System „Betrieb“ – kommunikative Handlungsfelder. Krcal, Hans-Christian 2013

0543 Measuring Persistence in Volatility Spillovers. Conrad, Christian ; Weber, Enzo 2013

0544 Premium Auctions and Risk Preferences: An Experimental Study. Brunner, Christoph ; Hu, Audrey ; Oechssler, Jörg 2013

0545 Non-Strategic Punishment when Monitoring is Costly: Experimental Evidence on Differences between Second and Third Party Behavior. Goeschl, Timo ; Jarke, Johannes 2013

0546 Ein hermeneutischer Konstruktionsentwurf sozialer Systeme. Krcal, Hans-Christian 2013

0547 Price Competition in an Inflationary Environment. Duersch, Peter ; Eife, Thomas 2013

0548 Intertemporal stability of ambiguity preferences. Duersch, Peter ; Römer, Daniel ; Roth, Benjamin 2013

0549 Pretending to be the Good Guy. How to Increase ODA Inflows while Abusing Human Rights. Schmaljohann, Maya 2013

0550 Surrender your market! Do the G5 countries use World Bank Trade Conditionality to promote Trade? Breßlein, Martin ; Schmaljohann, Maya 2013

0551 Why Do Unionized Workers Have More Nonfatal Occupational Injuries? Donado, Alejandro 2013

0552 The Home Bias in Sovereign Ratings. Fuchs , Andreas ; Gehring , Kai 2013

0553 Tracking Under-Reported Financial Flows: China’s Development Finance and the Aid-Conflict Nexus Revisited. Strange, Austin M. ; Parks , Bradley ; Tierney, Michael J. ; Fuchs, Andreas ; Dreher , Axel 2014

0554 The Effect of Emission Information on Housing Prices in Germany. Rohlf, Alexander ; Römer, Daniel ; von Graevenitz, Kathrine 2014

0555 A Test of Mechanical Ambiguity. Oechssler, Jörg ; Roomets, Alex 2014

0556 Imitation under stress. Buckert, Magdalena ; Oechssler, Jörg ; Schwieren, Christiane 2014

0557 Framing Matters in Gender-Paired Dictator Games. Kettner , Sara Elisa ; Ceccato , Smarandita 2014

0558 Group size and decision rules in legislative bargaining. Miller , Luis ; Vanberg, Christoph 2014

0559 Playing 'Hard to Get': An Economic Rationale for Crowding Out of Intrinsically Motivated Behavior. Schnedler, Wendelin ; Vanberg, Christoph 2014

0560 The Effect of Ambient Noise on Cooperation in Public Good Games. Diederich, Johannes 2014

0561 Motivational Drivers of the Private Provision of Public Goods: Evidence From a Large Framed Field Experiment. Diederich, Johannees ; Goeschl, Timo 2014

0562 Confidence, Pessimism and their Impact on Product Differentiation in a Hotelling Model with Demand Location Uncertainty. Kauffeldt, Florian ; Wiesenfarth, Boris 2014

0563 Financial Transaction Tax and Financial Market Stability with Diverse Beliefs. Rieger, Jörg 2014

0564 Safety Net for India's Poor or Waste of Public Funds? Poverty and Welfare in the Wake of the World's Largest Job Guarantee Program. Klonner, Stefan ; Oldiges , Christian 2014

0565 Economic Distress and Farmer Suicides in India: An Econometric Investigation. Hebous, Sarah ; Klonner, Stefan 2014

0566 Giving is a question of time: Response times and contributions to a real world public good. Lohse, Johannes ; Goeschl, Timo ; Diederich , Johannes 2014

0567 On the Existence and Prevention of Speculative Bubbles. Enders, Zeno ; Hakenes, Hendrik Hakenes 2014

0568 Financial Integration with Heterogeneous Beliefs. Rieger, Jörg 2014

0569 International Financial Market Integration, Asset Compositions and the Falling Exchange Rate Pass-Through. Buzaushina, Almira ; Enders, Zeno ; Hoffmann, Mathias 2014

0570 Politics of Religiously Motivated Lending: An Empirical Analysis of Aid Allocation by the Islamic Development Bank. Hernandez , Diego ; Vadlamannati , Krishna Chaitanya 2014

0571 A Multivariate Analysis of Forecast Disagreement: Confronting Models of Disagreement with SPF Data. Dovern, Jonas 2014

0572 Informativeness of Experiments for MEU - A Recursive Definition. Heyen, Daniel ; Wiesenfarth, Boris R. 2014

0573 Learning under Ambiguity - A Note on the Belief Dynamics of Epstein and Schneider (2007). Heyen, Daniel 2014

0574 Cross-sectional evidence on the relation between monetary policy, macroeconomic conditions and low-frequency inflation uncertainty. Conrad, Christian ; Hartmann, Matthias 2014

0575 Geopolitics, Aid and Growth. Dreher, Axel ; Eichenauer, Vera ; Gehring, Kai 2014

0576 State Control and the Effects of Foreign Relations on Bilateral Trade. Davis, Christina ; Fuchs, Andreas ; Johnson , Kristina 2014

0577 Bayesian signaling. Hedlund, Jonas 2014

0578 Smart or Selfish - When Smart Guys Finish Nice. Lohse, Johannes 2014

0579 Asymptotics for parametric GARCH-in-Mean Models. Conrad, Christian ; Mammen , Enno 2015

0580 Pure Money for a Sound Economy. Schmidt, Sandra 2015

0581 Who never tells a lie? Vanberg, Christoph 2015

0582 The dynamics of coalition formation - a multilateral bargaining experiment with free timing of moves. Tremewan, James ; Vanberg, Christoph 2015

0583 The Variance Risk Premium and Fundamental Uncertainty. Conrad, Christian ; Loch, Karin 2015

0584 Strategic Conflicts on the Horizon: R&D Incentives for Environmental Technologies. Heyen, Daniel 2015

0585 Global Prediction of Recessions. Dovern, Jonas ; Huber, Florian 2015

0586 The Conditional Contribution Mechanism for the Provision of Public Goods. Reischmann, Andreas 2015

0587 Conditional vs. Voluntary Contribution Mechanism – An Experimental Study. Reischmann, Andreas 2015

0588 From Imitation to Collusion - A Comment. Oechssler, Jörg ; Roomets, Alex ; Roth, Stefan 2015

0589 Managerial bonuses, subordinates’ disobedience, and coercion. Nikiforakis, Nikos ; Oechssler, Jörg ; Shah, Anwar 2015

0590 Does Joint Modelling of the World Economy Pay Off? Evaluating Global Forecasts from a Bayesian GVAR. Dovern, Jonas ; Feldkircher, Martin ; Huber , Florian 2015

0591 The Climate Policy Hold-Up: Green Technologies,Intellectual Property Rights, and the Abatement Incentives of International Agreements. Goeschl, Timo ; Perino, Grischa 2015

0592 Benevolent and Malevolent Ellsberg Games. Dominiak, Adam ; Duersch, Peter 2015

0593 How stressful are economic competitions in the lab? An investigation with physiological measures. Buckert, Magdalena ; Schwieren, Christiane ; Kudielka, Brigitte M. ; Fiebach , Christian J. 2015

0594 Decision confidence in the Ellsberg experiment. Duersch, Peter 2015

0595 What do we learn from public good games about voluntary climate action? Evidence from an artefactual field experiment. Goeschl, Timo ; Kettner, Sara Elisa ; Lohse, Johannes ; Schwieren, Christiane 2015

0596 Towards the Greater Good? EU Commissioners’ Nationality and Budget Allocation in the European Union. Gehring, Kai ; Schneider, Stephan A. 2015

0597 Misspecification Testing in GARCH-MIDAS Models. Conrad, Christian ; Schienle, Melanie 2015

0598 Learning by Negligence - Torts, Experimentation, and the Value of Information. Goeschl, Timo ; Pfrommer, Tobias 2015

0599 How does globalization affect ecological pressures? A robust empirical analysis using the Ecological Footprint. Rudolph , Alexandra ; Figge, Lukas 2015

0600 A theory of knockout tournament seedings. Karpov, Alexander 2015

0601 Are “New” Donors Challenging World Bank Conditionality? Hernandez, Diego 2015

0602 On the Way to Good Health? Rural Roads and Morbidity in Upland Orissa. Bell , Clive ; van Dillen , Susanne 2015

0603 Fully Funded Social Security Pensions, Lifetime Risk and Income. Laps, Jochen 2015

0604 Do Development Minister Characteristics Affect Aid Giving? Fuchs, Andreas ; Richert, Katharina 2015

0605 Risk Assessment under Ambiguity: Precautionary Learning vs. Research Pessimism. Heyen, Daniel ; Goeschl, Timo ; Wiesenfarth , Boris 2015

0606 Determinanten der FDI-Standortwahl. Eine empirische Analyse für die Ukraine und Polen. Levoshko, Tamila 2015

0607 Precision requirements in pesticide risk assessments: Contrasting value-of-information recommendations with the regulatory practice in the EU. Goeschl, Timo ; Heyen, Daniel 2016

0608 Order Invariant Evaluation of Multivariate Density Forecasts. Dovern, Jonas ; Manner, Hans 2016

0609 China’s Economic Diplomacy and the Politics-Trade Nexus. Fuchs, Andreas 2016

0610 Preference diversity orderings. Karpov, Alexander 2016

0611 Forecast Performance, Disagreement, and Heterogeneous Signal-to-Noise Ratios. Dovern, Jonas ; Hartmann, Matthias 2016

0612 Inflation uncertainty, disagreement and monetary policy: Evidence from the ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters. Glas, Alexander ; Hartmann, Matthias 2016

0613 On the statistical properties of multiplicative GARCH models. Conrad, Christian ; Kleen, Onno 2016

0614 Strategic behavior of non-expected utility players in games with payoff uncertainty. Kauffeldt, T. Florian 2016

0615 Wie beeinflussen die politische Lage und FDI das Wirtschaftswachstum? Empirische Evidenz für die Ukraine und Polen. Levoshko, Tamila 2016

0616 Interregionale Effekte des Wirtschaftswachstums in der Ukraine und Polen. Levoshko, Tamila 2016

0617 The Economics of the Democratic Deficit: The Effect of IMF Programs on Inequality. Lang, Valentin 2016

0618 Does development aid increase military expenditure? Langlotz, Sarah ; Potrafke, Niklas 2016

0619 Fueling Conflict? (De)Escalation and Bilateral Aid. Bluhm, Richard ; Gassebner, Martin ; Langlotz, Sarah ; Schaudt, Paul 2016

0620 Apples and Dragon Fruits: The Determinants of Aid and Other Forms of State Financing from China to Africa. Dreher, Axel ; Fuchs, Andreas ; Parks, Bradley ; Strange, Austin M. ; Tierney, Michael J. 2016

0621 Hedging and Ambiguity. Oechssler, Jörg ; Rau, Hannes ; Roomets, Alex 2016

0622 Agrarian Contracts in Retrospect: Two Bihari Villages in 1970. Bell, Clive 2016

0623 Decentralized versus Statistical Targeting of Anti-Poverty Programs: Evidence from Burkina Faso. Schleicher, Michael ; Souares, Aurélia ; Pacere, Athanase Narangoro ; Sauerborn, Rainer ; Klonner, Stefan 2016

0624 Party Discipline and Government Spending: Theory and Evidence. Curto-Grau, Marta ; Zudenkova, Galina 2016

0625 Imitation in Heterogeneous Populations. Hedlund, Jonas ; Oyarzun, Carlos 2016

0626 Cooperation in Public Good Games. Calculated or Confused? Goeschl, Timo ; Lohse, Johannes 2016

0628 How Do Firms Respond to Political Tensions? The Heterogeneity of the Dalai Lama Effect on Trade. Lin, Faqin ; Hu, Cui ; Fuchs, Andreas 2016

0629 Does mutual knowledge of preferences lead to more equilibrium play? Experimental evidence. Brunner, Christoph ; Kauffeldt, T. Florian ; Rau, Hannes 2017

0630 Leveling up? An inter-neighborhood experiment on parochialism and the efficiency of multi-level public goods provision. Gallier, Carlo ; Goeschl, Timo ; Kesternich, Martin ; Lohse, Johannes ; Reif, Christiane ; Römer, Daniel 2017

0631 Usufructuary Mortgages as a Source of Funds in Need: Some Theory and an Empirical Investigation. Bell, Clive ; Hatlebakk, Magnus 2017

0632 Murphy Diagrams: Forecast Evaluation of Expected Shortfall. Ziegel, Johanna F. ; Krueger, Fabian ; Jordan, Alexander ; Fasciati, Fernando 2017

0633 Public in-kind relief and private self-insurance. Goeschl, Timo ; Managi, Shunsuke 2017

0634 Does Mitigation Begin At Home? Diederich, Johannes ; Goeschl, Timo 2017

0635 Aid and growth.New evidence using an excludable instrument. Dreher, Axel ; Langlotz, Sarah 2017

0636 On the economic determinants of optimal stock-bond portfolios: international evidence. Conrad, Christian ; Stuermer, Karin 2017

0637 Decision Theory with a Hilbert Space as Possibility Space. Eichberger, Jürgen ; Pirner, Hans Jürgen 2017

0638 Ambiguity and the Centipede Game: Strategic Uncertainty in Multi-Stage Games. Eichberger, Jürgen ; Grant, Simon ; Kelsey, David 2017

0639 Recessions and Instable Estimates of Potential Output. Dovern, Jonas 2017

0640 More donors, more democracy. Ziaja, Sebastian 2017

0642 "Pork-Barrel"-Politik und das regionale Wirtschaftswachstum. Empirische Evidenz für die Ukraine und Polen. Levoshko, Tamila 2017

0643 Measuring Skill and Chance in Games. Duersch, Peter ; Lambrecht, Marco ; Oechssler, Joerg 2017

0644 A Model of Solar Radiation Management Liability. Pfrommer, Tobias 2018

0645 Kapitalismus versus Marktwirtschaft. Karl Marx und Fernand Braudel. Faber, Malte ; Petersen, Thomas 2018

0646 The Effects of Trade, Aid, and Investment on China's Image in Developing Countries. Eichenauer, Vera Z. ; Fuchs, Andreas ; Brueckner, Lutz 2018

0647 Is fairness intuitive? An experiment accounting for subjective utility differences under time pressure. Merkel, Anna ; Lohse, Johannes 2018

0648 The Demand for Health Insurance in a Poor Economy: Evidence from Burkina Faso. Schleicher, Michael ; Klonner, Stefan ; Sauerborn, Rainer ; Sié, Alie ; Souares, Aurélia 2018

0649 Copy Trading. Apesteguia, Jose ; Oechssler, Jörg ; Weidenholzer, Simon 2018

0650 Inequality, Fairness and Social Capital. Fehr, Dietmar ; Rau, Hannes ; Trautmann, Stefan T. ; Xu, Yilong 2018

0651 Voting rules in multilateral bargaining: using an experiment to relax procedural assumptions. Tremewan, James ; Vanberg, Christoph 2018

0652 Stimulant or depressant? Resource-related income shocks and conflict. Gehring, Kai ; Langlotz, Sarah ; Kienberger, Stefan 2018

0654 Diverging Regional Climate Preferences and the Assessment of Solar Geoengineering. Pfrommer, Tobias 2018

0655 ‘Déjà vol’ revisited: Survey forecasts of macroeconomic variables predict volatility in the cross-section of industry portfolios. Conrad, Christian ; Glas, Alexander 2018

0658 MINE – Mapping the Interplay between Nature and Economy. A digital gateway to the foundations of Ecological Economics. Faber, Malte ; Petersen, Thomas ; Frick, Marc ; Zahrnt, Dominik 2018

0659 Conceptual and political foundations for examining the interaction between nature and economy. Faber, Malte ; Frick, Marc 2019

0661 Implementing (un)fair procedures? Favoritism and process fairness when inequality is inevitable. Schmidt, Robert J. ; Trautmann, Stefan T. 2019

0662 A short note on the rationality of the false consensus effect. Vanberg, Christoph 2019

0663 The Binary Lottery Procedure does not induce risk neutrality in the Holt-Laury and Eckel-Grossman tasks. Oechssler, Jörg ; Sofianos, Andis 2019

0664 Quantifying subjective oncertainty in survey expectations. Krüger, Fabian ; Pavlova, Lora 2019

0665 The interplay between oil and food commodity prices: Has It changed over time? Peersman, Gert ; Rüth, Sebastian K. ; Van der Veken, Wouter 2019

0666 Norms in the lab: Inexperienced versus experienced participants. Schmidt, Robert J. ; Schwieren, Christiane ; Sproten, Alec N. 2019

0667 Point beauty contest: measuring the distribution of focal points on the individual level. Schmidt, Robert J. 2019

0668 Do injunctive or descriptive social norms elicited using coordination games better explain social preferences? Schmidt, Robert J. 2019

0669 Capitalizing on the (false) consensus effect: Two tractable methods to elicit private information. Schmidt, Robert J. 2019

0670 Legislative bargaining with joint production: An experimental study. Merkel, Anna ; Vanberg, Christoph 2019

0671 What are the best quorum rules? A laboratory Investigation. Aguiar-Conraria, Luís ; Magalhães, Pedro C. ; Vanberg, Christoph A. 2019

0672 Savage vs. Anscombe-Aumann: An experimental investigation of ambiguity frameworks. Oechssler, Jörg ; Roomets, Alex 2019

0673 Shifts in Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Dynamics: Is Dornbusch's Overshooting Hypothesis Intact, After all? Rüth, Sebastian K. 2019

0674 Investment Preferences and Risk Perception: Financial Agents versus Clients. Kling, Luisa ; König-Kersting, Christian ; Trautmann, Stefan T. 2019

0675 Equality of the Sexes and Gender Differences in Competition: Evidence from Three Traditional Societies. Klonner, Stefan ; Pal, Sumantra ; Schwieren, Christiane 2020

0676 How Do Income and the Debt Position of Households Propagate Public into Private Spending? Rüth, Sebastian K. ; Simon, Camilla 2020

0677 The Value of Verbal Feedback in Allocation Decisions. Robert J., Schmidt ; Christiane, Schwieren ; Martin, Vollmann 2020

0678 Cross-dynastic Intergenerational Altruism. Nesje, Frikk 2020

0679 Commitment and Conflict in Multilateral Bargaining. Miettinen, Topi ; Vanberg, Christoph 2020

0680 Decision-making with partial information. Eichberger, Jürgen ; Pasichnichenko, Illia 2020

0681 Greta Thunberg und das Klimaproblem. Wie kann eine sozial-ökologische Transformation gelingen? Faber, Malte ; Frick, Marc ; Manstetten, Reiner 2020

0682 A Test of Information Aversion. Kops, Christopher ; Pasichnichenko, Illia 2020

0683 Fiscal Stimulus In Expectations-Driven Liquidity Traps. Lustenhouwer, Joep 2020

0684 The Creation of Social Norms under Weak Institutions. Diekert, Florian ; Eymess, Tillmann ; Luomba, Joseph ; Waichman, Israel 2020

0685 Unraveling the effects of tropical cyclones on economic sectors worldwide. Kunze, Sven 2020

0686 The role of stickiness, extrapolation and past consensus forecasts in macroeconomic expectations. Hagenhoff, Tim ; Lustenhouwer, Joep 2020

0687 Measuring skill and chance in different versions of Poker. Lambrecht, Marco 2020

0688 Independence of alternatives in ranking models. Lambrecht, Marco 2020

0689 Maternal cash for better child health? The impacts of India’s IGMSY/PMMVY maternity benefit scheme. von Haaren, Paula ; Klonner, Stefan 2020

0691 Entropie im System – die strukturelle Beschaffenheit der betrieblichen Kraftbasis. Krcal, Hans-Christian 2020

0692 Promises and Opportunity Cost. Sengupta, Arjun ; Vanberg, Christoph 2020

0693 Date Marks, Valuation, and Food Waste: Three In-Store ‘Eggsperiments’. d'Amato, Alessio ; Goeschl, Timo ; Lorè, Luisa ; Zoli, Mariangela 2020

0694 The General Equilibrium Effects of the Shale Revolution. Eife, Thomas 2020

0695 Misperceiving Economic Success: Experimental Evidence on Meritocratic Beliefs and Inequality Acceptance. Fehr, Dietmar ; Vollmann, Martin 2020

0696 Dynamic Properties of Poverty Targeting. Hillebrecht, Michael ; Klonner, Stefan ; Pacere, Noraogo A. 2020

0697 Subsidizing Unit Donations: Matches, Rebates, and Discounts Compared. Diederich, Johannes ; Eckel, Catherine C. ; Epperson, Raphael ; Goeschl, Timo ; Grossman, Philip J. 2020

0699 Competitive vs. Random Audit Mechanisms in Environmental Regulation: Emissions, Self-Reporting, and the Role of Peer Information. Goeschl, Timo ; Oestreich, Marcel ; Soldà, Alice 2021

0700 Absolute vs. relative success: Why overconfidence is an inefficient equilibrium. Soldà, Alice ; Ke, Changxia ; von Hippel, William ; Page, Lionel 2021

0701 Die Online-Plattform MINE - eine Brücke zwischen Umwelt und Wirtschaft. Faber, Malte ; Frick, Marc ; Manstetten, Reiner 2021

0702 Free Trade Agreements and Development: a Global Analysis with Local Data. Cruzatti C., John 2021

0703 Does mining fuel bubbles? An experimental study on cryptocurrency markets. Lambrecht, Marco ; Sofianos, Andis ; Xu, Yilong 2021

0704 Social Risk Effects: The 'Experience of Social Risk' Factor. Diekert, Florian ; Goeschl, Timo ; König-Kersting, Christian 2021

0706 Preferences For The Far Future. Steinke, Marek ; Trautmann, Stefan 2021

0707 Extending the Procedure of Engelberg et al. (2009) to Surveys with Varying Interval-Widths. Becker, Christoph ; Duersch, Peter ; Eife, Thomas ; Glas, Alexander 2021

0709 Changing Collective Action: Norm-Nudges and Team Decisions. Diekert, Florian ; Eymess, Tillmann 2021

0711 Subsidizing Compliance: A Multi-Unit Price List Mechanism for Legal Fishing Nets at Lake Victoria. Diekert, Florian ; Eymess, Tillmann ; Goeschl, Timo ; Gómez-Cardona, Santiago ; Luomba, Joseph 2022

0712 Fishing Fleet Selectivity in Lake Victoria's Nile Perch Fishery. Gómez-Cardona, Santiago ; Kammerer, Johannes ; Mrosso, Hillary 2022

0713 Spatial Structure effects on Fisheries Management for Lake Victoria's Nile Perch. Gómez-Cardona, Santiago 2022

0714 Forecast revisions in the presence of news: a lab investigation. Lustenhouwer, Joep ; Salle, Isabelle 2022

0715 Generalizing Heuristic Switching Models. Galanis, Giorgos ; Kollias, Iraklis ; Leventidis, Ioanis ; Lustenhouwer, Joep 2022

0716 More money or better procedures? Evidence from an energy efficiency assistance program. Chlond, Bettina ; Goeschl, Timo ; Kesternich, Martin 2022

0717 Do women shy away from risky skill games? Lambrecht, Marco ; Oechssler, Jörg 2022

0718 Air Quality Alerts and Don't Drive Appeals: Cautionary Evidence from Germany. Dangel, Alexander ; Goeschl, Timo 2022

0719 Do Unions Shape Political Ideologies at Work? Matzat, Johannes ; Schmeißer, Aiko 2022

0720 Size selective fishing: The effect of size selectivity on the equilibrium yield in the Nile perch fishery of Lake Victoria. Kammerer, Johannes ; Gomez-Cardona, Santiago ; Nyamweya, Chrisphine 2022

0722 Conducting Cost Benefit Analysis in Expected Utility Units Using Revealed Social Preferences. Canning, David 2023

0724 Market Access and the Arrow of Time. Klein, Marius ; Rauch, Ferdinand 2023

0725 Thermodynamik – grundlegende Einsichten für ein Verständnis von Umweltproblemen. Faber, Malte ; Rudolf, Marco ; Frick, Marc ; Becker, Mi-Yong 2023

0726 Self-nudging is more ethical, but less efficient than social nudging. Diederich, Johannes ; Goeschl, Timo ; Waichman, Israel 2023

0727 Measuring Inflation Expectations: How the Response Scale Shapes Density Forecasts. Becker, Christoph ; Duersch, Peter ; Eife, Thomas 2023

0728 (Un)Trustworthy Pledges and Cooperation in Social Dilemmas. Goeschl, Timo ; Soldà, Alice 2023

0729 Perceived Relative Income and Preferences for Public Good Provision. Balietti, Anca ; Budjan, Angelika ; Eymess, Tillmann 2023

0731 How to Design the Ask? Funding Units vs. Giving Money. Diederich, Johannes ; Epperson, Raphael ; Goeschl, Timo 2023

0732 Impact of Gear Choice on Open Access Fisheries: A Study on Fishery Regimes. Gómez-Cardona, Santiago ; Kammerer, Johannes 2023

0733 Dissolving an ambiguous partnership. Oechssler, Jörg ; Roomets, Alex 2023

0734 On the benefits of robo-advice in financial markets. Lambrecht, Marco ; Oechssler, Jörg ; Weidenholzer, Simon 2023

0735 Strategic Ignorance and Perceived Control. Balietti, Anca ; Budjan, Angelika ; Eymess, Tillmann ; Soldà, Alice 2023

0736 Environmental Protection and Labor Market Composition. Jaiswal, Sreeja ; Balietti, Anca ; Schäffer, Daniel 2023

0737 How to Organize Monitoring and Punishment: Experimental Evidence. Goeschl, Timo ; Haberl, Beatrix ; Soldà, Alice 2023

0738 Eine entropisch-ökonomische Analyse der „Routine“. Krcal, Hans-Christian 2023

0739 Long-Term Volatility Shapes the Stock Market’s Sensitivity to News. Conrad, Christian ; Schoelkopf, Julius Theodor ; Tushteva, Nikoleta 2023

0740 Rural Roads and National Welfare: Are 'Local' Methods of Evaluation Satisfactory? Bell, Clive 2023

0741 The Behavioral Economics of Extreme Event Attribution. Diekert, Florian ; Goeschl, Timo ; König-Kersting, Christian 2024

0742 A Choice-Based Approach to the Measurement of Inflation Expectations. Goldfayn-Frank, Olga ; Kieren, Pascal ; Trautmann, Stefan 2024

0743 Using point forecasts to anchor probabilistic survey scales. Becker, Christoph K. ; Duersch, Peter ; Eife, Thomas A. ; Glas, Alexander 2024

0744 The Swing Voter’s Curse Revisited: Transparency’s Impact on Committee Voting. Bandyopadhyay, Siddhartha ; Deb, Moumita ; Lohse, Johannes ; McDonald, Rebecca 2024

0745 Racial Disparities in Environmental Auditing. Balietti, Anca ; Zeising, Tom 2024

0746 Following Social Norms, Signaling, and Cooperation in the Public Goods Game. Cui, Chi ; Dai, Ming ; Schwieren, Christiane 2024

0747 Die Grenzen der EZB-Prognosen. Conrad, Christian ; Enders, Zeno 2024

0748 Different Newspapers – Different Inflation Perceptions. Arndt, Sarah 2024

0749 Commitment and Conflict in Unanimity Bargaining. Miettinen, Topi ; Vanberg, Christoph 2024

0750 Real-time Nowcasting Growth-at-Risk using the Survey of Professional Forecasters. Schick, Manuel 2024

0751 Don’t Put All Your Legs in One Basket: Theory and Evidence on Coopetition in Road Cycling. Matthes, Julian ; Piazolo, David 2024

0752 Identifying Agglomeration Shadows: Long-run Evidence from Ancient Ports. Hornbeck, Richard ; Michaels, Guy ; Rauch, Ferdinand 2024

0753 Legislative bargaining with private information: A comparison of majority and unanimity rule. Piazolo, David ; Vanberg, Christoph 2024

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