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Number of items: 429.


Abbi, Anvita ; Hasnain, Imtiaz ; Kidwai, Ayesha (2004) Whose Language is Urdu? [Working paper]

Aguiar-Conraria, Luís ; Magalhães, Pedro C. ; Vanberg, Christoph A. (2019) What are the best quorum rules? A laboratory Investigation. [Working paper]

Alam, Mohammed B. (2002) India’s Nuclear Doctrine : Context and Constraints. [Working paper]

Alam, Mohammed Badrul (2008) In Pursuit of a Grand Strategy: An Explanation of Pakistan’s Evolving Nuclear Policy. [Working paper]

Apesteguia, Jose ; Oechssler, Jörg ; Weidenholzer, Simon (2018) Copy Trading. [Working paper]

Arndt, Sarah (2024) Different Newspapers – Different Inflation Perceptions. [Working paper]

Arnold, Matthias ; Decker, Eric ; Volkmann, Armin (2017) Digital Humanities Strategies in Transcultural Studies. [Working paper]


Bagchi, Barnita (2008) Hannah Arendt, Education, and Liberation : A Comparative South Asian Feminist Perspective. [Working paper]

Balietti, Anca ; Budjan, Angelika ; Eymess, Tillmann (2023) Perceived Relative Income and Preferences for Public Good Provision. [Working paper]

Balietti, Anca ; Budjan, Angelika ; Eymess, Tillmann ; Soldà, Alice (2023) Strategic Ignorance and Perceived Control. [Working paper]

Balietti, Anca ; Zeising, Tom (2024) Racial Disparities in Environmental Auditing. [Working paper]

Bandyopadhyay, Siddhartha ; Deb, Moumita ; Lohse, Johannes ; McDonald, Rebecca (2024) The Swing Voter’s Curse Revisited: Transparency’s Impact on Committee Voting. [Working paper]

Barik, Radhakanta (2014) Leadership, Economic Reforms and Policy Processes in an Indian State: The Regime of ‘JB’ (Chief Minister Janaki Ballav Patnaik) in Odisha. [Working paper]

Bates, Crispin (2000) Communalism and Identity among South Asians in Diaspora. [Working paper]

Bauernschuster, Stefan ; Duersch, Peter ; Oechssler, Jörg ; Vadovic, Radovan (2010) Mandatory Sick Pay Provision: A Labor Market Experiment. [Working paper]

Becker, Christoph ; Duersch, Peter ; Eife, Thomas (2023) Measuring Inflation Expectations: How the Response Scale Shapes Density Forecasts. [Working paper]

Becker, Christoph ; Duersch, Peter ; Eife, Thomas ; Glas, Alexander (2021) Extending the Procedure of Engelberg et al. (2009) to Surveys with Varying Interval-Widths. [Working paper]

Becker, Christoph K. ; Duersch, Peter ; Eife, Thomas A. ; Glas, Alexander (2024) Using point forecasts to anchor probabilistic survey scales. [Working paper]

Becker, Christian ; Ewringmann, Dieter ; Faber, Malte ; Petersen, Thomas ; Zahrnt, Angelika (2012) Endangering the natural basis of life is unjust. On the status and future of the sustainability discourse. [Working paper]

Bell, Clive (2023) Rural Roads and National Welfare: Are 'Local' Methods of Evaluation Satisfactory? [Working paper]

Bell, Clive (2016) Agrarian Contracts in Retrospect: Two Bihari Villages in 1970. [Working paper]

Bell, Clive ; Hatlebakk, Magnus (2017) Usufructuary Mortgages as a Source of Funds in Need: Some Theory and an Empirical Investigation. [Working paper]

Bell , Clive ; van Dillen , Susanne (2015) On the Way to Good Health? Rural Roads and Morbidity in Upland Orissa. [Working paper]

Beran, Rudolf (1994) Bootstrap Variable-Selection and Confidence Sets. [Working paper]

Beran, Rudolf (1998) REACT Scatterplot Smoothers: Superefficiency through Basis Economy. [Working paper]

Beran, Rudolf (1999) REACT Trend Estimation in Correlated Noise. [Working paper]

Beran, Rudolf (1994) Seven Stages of Bootstrap. [Working paper]

Beran, Rudolf (1993) Stein Estimation in High Dimensions and the Bootstrap. [Working paper]

Beran, Rudolf (1998) Superefficient Estimation of Multivariate Trend. [Working paper]

Beran, Rudolf ; Dümbgen, Lutz (1997) Modulation Estimators and Confidence Sets. [Working paper]

Bernholz, Peter ; Faber, Malte ; Petersen, Thomas (2009) Kausalität in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Welche Ursachen hat die Finanzkrise? [Working paper]

Bhattacharya, Kaushik (2010) Emergence of Independent Candidates:A Negative Binomial Regression Model of anIndian Parliamentary Election. [Working paper]

Bhattacharyya, Harihar (2005) Federalism and Regionalism in India : Institutional Strategies and Political Accommodation of Identity. [Working paper]

Bhattacharyya, Harihar (2010) UPA (2004-) Globalization and Indian Federalism: a Paradigm Shift? [Working paper]

Biddle, Louise ; Hintermeier, Maren ; Baron, Jenny ; Flory, Lea ; Bozorgmehr, Kayvan (2019) Gesundheitszustand und Inanspruchnahme von gesundheitlichen Versorgungsangeboten bei Geflüchteten in Psychosozialen Zentren. [Working paper]

Biddle, Louise ; Wahedi, Katharina ; Jahn, Rosa ; Straßner, Cornelia ; Kratochwill, Steffen ; Bozorgmehr, Kayvan (2019) Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu Strukturen der medizinischen Versorgung in den Aufnahmeeinrichtungen für Geflüchtete. Vorläufige Ergebnisse der Studie RESPOND: Entwicklung und Evaluation kontextspezifischer Interventionen zur Verbesserung der gesundheitlichen Versorgung von Asylsuchenden. [Working paper]

Bigdon, Christine (2003) Decentralization, Federalism and Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka. [Working paper]

Bjørnskov, Christian ; Dreher, Axel ; Fischer, Justina A. V. ; Schnellenbach, Jan (2010) On the relation between income inequality and happiness: Do fairness perceptions matter? [Working paper]

Bluhm, Richard ; Gassebner, Martin ; Langlotz, Sarah ; Schaudt, Paul (2016) Fueling Conflict? (De)Escalation and Bilateral Aid. [Working paper]

Bozorgmehr, Kayvan ; Jahn, Rosa ; Rohleder, Sven ; Erdmann, Stella (2022) Sentinel Surveillance der Gesundheit und primärmedizinischen Versorgung von Asylsuchenden in Erstaufnahmeeinrichtungen und Gemeinschaftsunterkünften in Deutschland (PriCare) - Policy Brief #2. [Working paper]

Bozorgmehr, Kayvan ; Rohleder, Sven ; Qreini, Markus ; Erdmann, Stella ; Jahn, Rosa (2021) Surveillance der Gesundheit geflüchteter Menschen in Aufnahmeeinrichtungen: Multizentrische Analyse des Erkrankungsspektrums und der Versorgungsqualität anhand dezentralisierter Routinedaten des Verbunds PriCarenet. [Working paper]

Bozorgmehr, Kayvan ; Rohleder, Sven ; Qreini, Markus ; Erdmann, Stella ; Jahn, Rosa (2021) Zusammenfassung - Surveillance der Gesundheit geflüchteter Menschen in Aufnahmeeinrichtungen: Multizentrische Analyse des Erkrankungsspektrums und der Versorgungsqualität anhand dezentralisierter Routinedaten des Verbunds PriCarenet. [Working paper]

Bozorgmehr, Kayvan ; Jahn, Rosa (2019) Sentinel Surveillance der Gesundheit und primärmedizinischen Versorgung von Asylsuchenden in Erstaufnahmeeinrichtungen und Gemeinschaftsunterkünften in Deutschland (PriCare) - Policy Brief #1. [Working paper]

Breßlein, Martin ; Schmaljohann, Maya (2013) Surrender your market! Do the G5 countries use World Bank Trade Conditionality to promote Trade? [Working paper]

Brockwell, Peter J. ; Dahlhaus, Rainer (1998) Generalized Durbin-Levinson and Burg Algorithms. [Working paper]

Brunner, Christoph ; Hu, Audrey ; Oechssler, Jörg (2013) Premium Auctions and Risk Preferences: An Experimental Study. [Working paper]

Brunner, Christoph ; Kauffeldt, T. Florian ; Rau, Hannes (2017) Does mutual knowledge of preferences lead to more equilibrium play? Experimental evidence. [Working paper]

Buckert, Magdalena ; Oechssler, Jörg ; Schwieren, Christiane (2014) Imitation under stress. [Working paper]

Buckert, Magdalena ; Schwieren, Christiane ; Kudielka, Brigitte M. ; Fiebach , Christian J. (2015) How stressful are economic competitions in the lab? An investigation with physiological measures. [Working paper]

Bullmann, Till (2008) The Public Economy in the age of Globalization: Cameron revisited – Why again? [Working paper]

Burkard, Franz-Peter (2009) Normen und Rituale: Darstellung, Deutung, Umdeutung : einige hermeneutische Überlegungen. [Working paper]

Burkert, Walter (2009) Ritual zwischen Ethologie und Postmoderne : philologisch-historische Anmerkungen. [Working paper]

Buzaushina, Almira ; Enders, Zeno ; Hoffmann, Mathias (2014) International Financial Market Integration, Asset Compositions and the Falling Exchange Rate Pass-Through. [Working paper]


Canning, David (2023) Conducting Cost Benefit Analysis in Expected Utility Units Using Revealed Social Preferences. [Working paper]

Carciumaru, Radu (2012) Managing Diversity: Power-sharing or Control? A Comparison between India and Sri Lanka. [Working paper]

Carroll, Raymond J. ; Härdle, Wolfgang ; Mammen, Enno (1998) Estimation in an Additive Model when the Components are LinkedParametrically. [Working paper]

Chambers, Paul W. ; Wolf, Siegfried O. (2010) Image-Formation at a Nation’s Edge: Thai Perceptions of its Border Dispute with Cambodia - Implications for South Asia. [Working paper]

Chaniotis, Angelos (2009) Wie (er)findet man Rituale für einen neuen Kult? Recycling von Ritualen - das Erfolgsrezept Alexanders von Abonouteichos. [Working paper]

Chaudhuri, Bidisha ; König, Lion (2012) Discourses of Transculturality:Ideas, Institutions and Practices in India and China. [Working paper]

Cheema, Pervaiz Iqbal (2000) The Politics of the Punjab Boundary Award. [Working paper]

Chlond, Bettina ; Goeschl, Timo ; Kesternich, Martin (2022) More money or better procedures? Evidence from an energy efficiency assistance program. [Working paper]

Chlond, Bettina ; Goeschl, Timo ; Kesternich, Martin ; Werthschulte, Madeline (2024) Transporting behavioral insights to low-income households: A field experiment on energy efficiency investments. [Working paper]

Collins, Michael (2008) Rabindranath Tagore and Nationalism: An Interpretation. [Working paper]

Conrad, Christian ; Enders, Zeno (2024) Die Grenzen der EZB-Prognosen. [Working paper]

Conrad, Christian ; Lahiri, Kajal (2024) Heterogeneous Expectations among Professional Forecasters. [Working paper]

Conrad, Christian ; Schoelkopf, Julius Theodor ; Tushteva, Nikoleta (2023) Long-Term Volatility Shapes the Stock Market’s Sensitivity to News. [Working paper]

Conrad, Christian ; Eife, Thomas A. (2010) Explaining Inflation Persistence by a Time-Varying Taylor Rule. [Working paper]

Conrad, Christian ; Eife, Thomas A. (2012) Explaining Inflation-Gap Persistence by a Time-Varying Taylor Rule. [Working paper]

Conrad, Christian ; Glas, Alexander (2018) ‘Déjà vol’ revisited: Survey forecasts of macroeconomic variables predict volatility in the cross-section of industry portfolios. [Working paper]

Conrad, Christian ; Hartmann, Matthias (2014) Cross-sectional evidence on the relation between monetary policy, macroeconomic conditions and low-frequency inflation uncertainty. [Working paper]

Conrad, Christian ; Karanasos, Menelaos (2010) Modeling the link between US inflation and output: the importance of the uncertainty channel. [Working paper]

Conrad, Christian ; Kleen, Onno (2016) On the statistical properties of multiplicative GARCH models. [Working paper]

Conrad, Christian ; Loch, Karin (2012) Anticipating Long-Term Stock Market Volatility. [Working paper]

Conrad, Christian ; Loch, Karin (2015) The Variance Risk Premium and Fundamental Uncertainty. [Working paper]

Conrad, Christian ; Loch, Karin ; Rittler, Daniel (2012) On the Macroeconomic Determinants of the Long-Term Oil-Stock Correlation. [Working paper]

Conrad, Christian ; Mammen , Enno (2015) Asymptotics for parametric GARCH-in-Mean Models. [Working paper]

Conrad, Christian ; Rittler, Daniel ; Rotfuß, Waldemar (2010) Modeling and Explaining the Dynamics of European Union Allowance Prices at High-Frequency. [Working paper]

Conrad, Christian ; Schienle, Melanie (2015) Misspecification Testing in GARCH-MIDAS Models. [Working paper]

Conrad, Christian ; Stuermer, Karin (2017) On the economic determinants of optimal stock-bond portfolios: international evidence. [Working paper]

Conrad, Christian ; Weber, Enzo (2013) Measuring Persistence in Volatility Spillovers. [Working paper]

Conrad, Christian ; Zumbach, Klaus Ulrich (2012) The Effect of Political Communication on European Financial Markets during the Sovereign Debt Crisis. [Working paper]

Cruzatti C., John (2021) Free Trade Agreements and Development: a Global Analysis with Local Data. [Working paper]

Cui, Chi ; Dai, Ming ; Schwieren, Christiane (2024) Following Social Norms, Signaling, and Cooperation in the Public Goods Game. [Working paper]

Curto-Grau, Marta ; Zudenkova, Galina (2016) Party Discipline and Government Spending: Theory and Evidence. [Working paper]


Dahal, Dev Raj (2010) Reflection on Leviathan: State and Governance in Nepal. [Working paper]

Dahlhaus, R. ; Hainz, G. (1999) Spectral Domain Bootstrap Tests for Stationary Time Series. [Working paper]

Dahlhaus, Rainer (1997) Fitting Time Series Models to Nonstationary Processes. [Working paper]

Dahlhaus, Rainer (1999) Graphical Interaction Models for Multivariate Time Series. [Working paper]

Dahlhaus, Rainer (1999) A Likelihood Approximation for Locally Stationary Processes. [Working paper]

Dahlhaus, Rainer (1993) Statistical Methods in Spectral Estimation. [Working paper]

Dahlhaus, Rainer ; Janas, Daniel (1996) A frequency domain bootstrap for ration statistics in time series analysis. [Working paper]

Dahlhaus, Rainer ; Wefelmeyer, Wolfgang (1996) Asymptotically Optimal Estimation in Misspecified Time Series Models. [Working paper]

Dangel, Alexander ; Goeschl, Timo (2022) Air Quality Alerts and Don't Drive Appeals: Cautionary Evidence from Germany. [Working paper]

Datta, Prabhat (2009) Democratic Decentralization through Panchayati Raj in Contemporary India: The Changes and Challenges. [Working paper]

Datta Gupta, Sobhanlal (2008) Communism in search of Hegemony in South Asia: the Case of Nepal. [Working paper]

Davis, Christina ; Fuchs, Andreas ; Johnson , Kristina (2014) State Control and the Effects of Foreign Relations on Bilateral Trade. [Working paper]

Deliège, Robert (2002) Is There Still Untouchability in India? [Working paper]

Devkota, Surendra R. (2005) The Politics of Poverty Alleviation in Nepal : Structural Analysis of Socioeconomic Development from the Past Five Decades. [Working paper]

Diederich, Johannes ; Epperson, Raphael ; Goeschl, Timo (2023) How to Design the Ask? Funding Units vs. Giving Money. [Working paper]

Diederich, Johannes ; Goeschl, Timo ; Waichman, Israel (2023) Self-nudging is more ethical, but less efficient than social nudging. [Working paper]

Diederich, Johannees ; Goeschl, Timo (2014) Motivational Drivers of the Private Provision of Public Goods: Evidence From a Large Framed Field Experiment. [Working paper]

Diederich, Johannes (2014) The Effect of Ambient Noise on Cooperation in Public Good Games. [Working paper]

Diederich, Johannes ; Eckel, Catherine C. ; Epperson, Raphael ; Goeschl, Timo ; Grossman, Philip J. (2020) Subsidizing Unit Donations: Matches, Rebates, and Discounts Compared. [Working paper]

Diederich, Johannes ; Goeschl, Timo (2017) Does Mitigation Begin At Home? [Working paper]

Diederich, Johannes ; Goeschl, Timo (2011) Giving in a Large Economy: Price vs. Non-Price Effects in a Field Experiment. [Working paper]

Diederich, Johannes ; Goeschl, Timo (2011) Willingness to Pay for Individual Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions: Evidence from a Large Field Experiment. [Working paper]

Diekert, Florian ; Eymess, Tillmann (2021) Changing Collective Action: Norm-Nudges and Team Decisions. [Working paper]

Diekert, Florian ; Eymess, Tillmann ; Goeschl, Timo ; Gómez-Cardona, Santiago ; Luomba, Joseph (2022) Subsidizing Compliance: A Multi-Unit Price List Mechanism for Legal Fishing Nets at Lake Victoria. [Working paper]

Diekert, Florian ; Goeschl, Timo ; König-Kersting, Christian (2024) The Behavioral Economics of Extreme Event Attribution. [Working paper]

Diekert, Florian ; Goeschl, Timo ; König-Kersting, Christian (2021) Social Risk Effects: The 'Experience of Social Risk' Factor. [Working paper]

Diekert, Florian ; Eymess, Tillmann ; Luomba, Joseph ; Waichman, Israel (2020) The Creation of Social Norms under Weak Institutions. [Working paper]

Dominiak, Adam ; Dürsch, Peter ; Lefort, Jean-Philippe (2009) A Dynamic Ellsberg Urn Experiment. [Working paper]

Dominiak, Adam ; Lefort, Jean-Philippe (2009) Unambiguous Events and Dynamic Choquet Preferences. [Working paper]

Dominiak, Adam ; Schnedler, Wendelin (2009) Attitudes towards Uncertainty and Randomization: An Experimental Study. [Working paper]

Dominiak, Adam ; Duersch, Peter (2015) Benevolent and Malevolent Ellsberg Games. [Working paper]

Donado, Alejandro (2013) Why Do Unionized Workers Have More Nonfatal Occupational Injuries? [Working paper]

Dovern, Jonas (2014) A Multivariate Analysis of Forecast Disagreement: Confronting Models of Disagreement with SPF Data. [Working paper]

Dovern, Jonas (2017) Recessions and Instable Estimates of Potential Output. [Working paper]

Dovern, Jonas ; Hartmann, Matthias (2016) Forecast Performance, Disagreement, and Heterogeneous Signal-to-Noise Ratios. [Working paper]

Dovern, Jonas ; Huber, Florian (2015) Global Prediction of Recessions. [Working paper]

Dovern, Jonas ; Manner, Hans (2016) Order Invariant Evaluation of Multivariate Density Forecasts. [Working paper]

Dovern, Jonas ; Feldkircher, Martin ; Huber , Florian (2015) Does Joint Modelling of the World Economy Pay Off? Evaluating Global Forecasts from a Bayesian GVAR. [Working paper]

Dreher, Axel ; Fuchs, Andreas ; Parks, Bradley ; Strange, Austin M. ; Tierney, Michael J. (2016) Apples and Dragon Fruits: The Determinants of Aid and Other Forms of State Financing from China to Africa. [Working paper]

Dreher, Axel ; Langlotz, Sarah (2017) Aid and growth.New evidence using an excludable instrument. [Working paper]

Dreher, Axel ; Eichenauer, Vera ; Gehring, Kai (2014) Geopolitics, Aid and Growth. [Working paper]

Driesen, Bram W. (2012) The Asymmetric Leximin Solution. [Working paper]

Duersch, Peter (2015) Decision confidence in the Ellsberg experiment. [Working paper]

Duersch, Peter ; Eife, Thomas (2013) Price Competition in an Inflationary Environment. [Working paper]

Duersch, Peter ; Lambrecht, Marco ; Oechssler, Joerg (2017) Measuring Skill and Chance in Games. [Working paper]

Duersch, Peter ; Müller, Julia (2010) Taking punishment into your own hands: An experiment on the motivation underlying punishment. [Working paper]

Duersch, Peter ; Oechssler, Jörg ; Schipper, Burkhard C. (2012) Once Beaten, Never Again: Imitation in Two-Player Potential Games. [Working paper]

Duersch, Peter ; Oechssler, Jörg ; Schipper, Burkhard C. (2010) Pure Saddle Points and Symmetric Relative Payoff Games. [Working paper]

Duersch, Peter ; Oechssler, Jörg ; Schipper, Burkhard C. (2010) Unbeatable Imitation. [Working paper]

Duersch, Peter ; Römer, Daniel ; Roth, Benjamin (2013) Intertemporal stability of ambiguity preferences. [Working paper]

Duindam, Jeroen (2009) Dynastic Centres in Europe and Asia : A Layout for Comparison. [Working paper]

Dücker, Burckhard ; Harth, Dietrich ; Steinicke, Marion ; Ulmer, Judith (2009) Literaturpreisverleihungen: ritualisierte Konsekrationspraktiken im kulturellen Feld. [Working paper]

Dücker, Burckhard ; Neumann, Verena (2009) LITERATURPREISE : Register mit einer Einführung. [Working paper]

Dücker, Burckhard ; Roeder, Hubert (2009) Rituelle Texthandlungsklassen : interdisziplinäre Betrachtungen zum Verhältnis von Text und Ritual. [Working paper]

Dümbgen, Lutz (1997) The Asymptotic Behavior of Tyler's M-Estimator of Scatter in High Dimension. [Working paper]

Dümbgen, Lutz ; Tyler, David (1997) On the Breakdown Properties of Two M-Functionals of Scatter. [Working paper]

Dümbgen, Lutz ; Zerial, Perla (1996) Remarks on Low-Dimensional Projections of High-Dimensional Distributions. [Working paper]

d'Amato, Alessio ; Goeschl, Timo ; Lorè, Luisa ; Zoli, Mariangela (2020) Date Marks, Valuation, and Food Waste: Three In-Store ‘Eggsperiments’. [Working paper]

de Falguerolles, Antoine ; Friedrich, Felix ; Sawitzki, Günther (1996) A Tribute to J. Bertin's Graphical Data Analysis. [Working paper]


Eichberger, Jürgen ; Grant, Simon ; Kelsey, David (2017) Ambiguity and the Centipede Game: Strategic Uncertainty in Multi-Stage Games. [Working paper]

Eichberger, Jürgen ; Grant, Simon ; Lefort, Jean-Philippe (2009) Neo-additive capacities and updating. [Working paper]

Eichberger, Jürgen ; Oechssler, Jörg ; Schnedler, Wendelin (2012) How do people cope with an ambiguous situation when it becomes even more ambiguous? [Working paper]

Eichberger, Jürgen ; Pasichnichenko, Illia (2020) Decision-making with partial information. [Working paper]

Eichberger, Jürgen ; Pirner, Hans Jürgen (2017) Decision Theory with a Hilbert Space as Possibility Space. [Working paper]

Eichenauer, Vera Z. ; Fuchs, Andreas ; Brueckner, Lutz (2018) The Effects of Trade, Aid, and Investment on China's Image in Developing Countries. [Working paper]

Eichler, Michael (1995) Empirical Spectral Processes and their Applications to StationaryPoint Processes. [Working paper]

Eichler, Michael (2001) Granger causality graphs for multivariate time series. [Working paper]

Eife, Thomas (2020) The General Equilibrium Effects of the Shale Revolution. [Working paper]

Eife, Thomas A. (2011) Explaining the Persistent Effect of the Euro-Changeover on German Restaurant Prices. [Working paper]

Eisenhauer, Patrik (2008) Der Mongoleneinfall 1241 und die Reaktionen der Päpste. [Working paper]

Emling, Sebastian (2011) Addenda et Corrigenda? Eine ritualwissenschaftliche Analyse der „missglückten“ Rezitation des Präsidial-Eides durch Barack Obama. [Working paper]

Enders, Zeno (2012) Heterogeneous consumers, segmented asset markets, and the effects of monetary policy. [Working paper]

Enders, Zeno ; Hakenes, Hendrik Hakenes (2014) On the Existence and Prevention of Speculative Bubbles. [Working paper]

Erlenmaier, Ulrich (1997) A New Criterion for Tightness of Stochastic Processes and an Application to Markov Processes. [Working paper]


Faber, Malte ; Rudolf, Marco ; Frick, Marc ; Becker, Mi-Yong (2023) Thermodynamik – grundlegende Einsichten für ein Verständnis von Umweltproblemen. [Working paper]

Faber, Malte ; Frick, Marc (2019) Conceptual and political foundations for examining the interaction between nature and economy. [Working paper]

Faber, Malte ; Frick, Marc ; Manstetten, Reiner (2021) Die Online-Plattform MINE - eine Brücke zwischen Umwelt und Wirtschaft. [Working paper]

Faber, Malte ; Frick, Marc ; Manstetten, Reiner (2020) Greta Thunberg und das Klimaproblem. Wie kann eine sozial-ökologische Transformation gelingen? [Working paper]

Faber, Malte ; Petersen, Thomas (2012) The Environmental Aspect of “Making People Rich as the Top Priority” in China: a Marxian Perspective. [Working paper]

Faber, Malte ; Petersen, Thomas (2018) Kapitalismus versus Marktwirtschaft. Karl Marx und Fernand Braudel. [Working paper]

Faber, Malte ; Petersen, Thomas ; Frick, Marc ; Zahrnt, Dominik (2018) MINE – Mapping the Interplay between Nature and Economy. A digital gateway to the foundations of Ecological Economics. [Working paper]

Fehr, Dietmar ; Rau, Hannes ; Trautmann, Stefan T. ; Xu, Yilong (2018) Inequality, Fairness and Social Capital. [Working paper]

Fehr, Dietmar ; Vollmann, Martin (2020) Misperceiving Economic Success: Experimental Evidence on Meritocratic Beliefs and Inequality Acceptance. [Working paper]

Fischer, Alexander, M.A. (2007) Which Road to Social Revolution? Liberalization and Constitutional Reform in India. [Working paper]

Fischer, Beate ; Jöst, Frank ; Manstetten, Reiner (2010) Die Persistenz von Institutionen - Hindernisse auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Flächennutzungspolitik in Deutschland. [Working paper]

Foshag, Kathrin ; Przybill, Katharina ; Aeschbach, Nicole ; Lautenbach, Sven ; Zipf, Alexander (2023) Challenges and solution approach for greenhouse gas emission inventories at fine spatial resolutions – the example of the Rhine-Neckar district. [Working paper]

Foshag, Kathrin ; Vogt, Katharina ; Ebenhoch, Sabrina ; Aeschbach, Nicole (2023) How transdisciplinary projects can contribute to climate-friendly mobility in cities. [Working paper]

Franke, Jürgen ; Kreiss, Jens-Peter ; Mammen, Enno (1997) Bootstrap of Kernel Smoothing in Nonlinear Time Series. [Working paper]

Franke, Jürgen ; Kreiss, Jens-Peter ; Mammen, Enno ; Neumann, Michael H. (1998) Properties of the Nonparametric Autoregressive Bootstrap. [Working paper]

Franke, Jürgen ; Kreiss, Jens-Peter ; Moser, Martin (1998) Bootstrap Autoregressive Order Selection. [Working paper]

Frey, Karsten (2002) State Interests and Symbolism in India’s Nuclear Build-Up. [Working paper]

Fuchs, Andreas (2016) China’s Economic Diplomacy and the Politics-Trade Nexus. [Working paper]

Fuchs, Andreas ; Richert, Katharina (2015) Do Development Minister Characteristics Affect Aid Giving? [Working paper]

Fuchs, Andreas ; Vadlamannati, Krishna Chaitanya (2012) The Needy Donor: An Empirical Analysis of India’s Aid Motives. [Working paper]

Fuchs , Andreas ; Gehring , Kai (2013) The Home Bias in Sovereign Ratings. [Working paper]

Fürstenberg, Kai (2012) De-Constructing Legitimacy with a Special Reference to the Panchayati Raj System in India. [Working paper]

Fürstenberg, Kai (2010) The West Bengal Panchayat Model in Peril? A Survey-based Appraisal of West Bengal Panchayats. [Working paper]


Galanis, Giorgos ; Kollias, Iraklis ; Leventidis, Ioanis ; Lustenhouwer, Joep (2022) Generalizing Heuristic Switching Models. [Working paper]

Gallenkamp, Marian (2011) The History of Institutional Change in the Kingdom of Bhutan : A Tale of Vision, Resolve, and Power. [Working paper]

Gallier, Carlo ; Goeschl, Timo ; Kesternich, Martin ; Lohse, Johannes ; Reif, Christiane ; Römer, Daniel (2017) Leveling up? An inter-neighborhood experiment on parochialism and the efficiency of multi-level public goods provision. [Working paper]

Gehring, Kai (2012) Benefit or burden? Unraveling the effect of economic freedom on subjective well-being. [Working paper]

Gehring, Kai ; Langlotz, Sarah ; Kienberger, Stefan (2018) Stimulant or depressant? Resource-related income shocks and conflict. [Working paper]

Gehring, Kai ; Schneider, Stephan A. (2015) Towards the Greater Good? EU Commissioners’ Nationality and Budget Allocation in the European Union. [Working paper]

Gehring, Kai S. ; Wong, Melvin H.L. ; Kaplan, Lennart C. (2018) Aid and conflict at the subnational level - Evidence from World Bank and Chinese development projects in Africa. [Working paper]

Gephart, Werner (2009) Rituale der Ritualbeobachtung : von Émile Durkheims "effervescence" über Marcel Mauss' "fait total" zu Pierre Bourdieus "acte d'institution". [Working paper]

Gerhardt, Uta ; Gantner, Gösta (2009) Ritualprozeß Entnazifizierung : eine These zur gesellschaftlichen Transformation der Nachkriegszeit. [Working paper]

Gerhardt-Szep, Susanne (2009) Konzeption, Implementierung und Evaluation des interaktiven, interdisziplinären und fallorientierten eLearning-Kurses "Zahnschmerzambulanz". [Working paper]

Ghosh, Partha S. (2002) From Legalism to Realism in Kashmir : Internationalising the Line of Control. [Working paper]

Ghosh, Partha S. (2010) Kashmir Revisited: Factoring Governance, Terrorism and Pakistan, as Usual. [Working paper]

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